Loose_Grip/Pete's photos

02 Dec 2014

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208 visits

Sandaoling Xijiang China November 2014

Sunrise boxcar ride from Xibolizhan with JS 2-8-2 6209 at the head.

22 Nov 2014

1 favorite

146 visits

Sandaoling Xijiang China November 2014

Sunrise over the open cast coal pit.

20 Nov 2014

2 favorites

197 visits

Sandaoling Xijiang China November 2014

JS 2-8-2 8190 hauls a coal train out of the pit.

18 Nov 2014

10 favorites


266 visits

Sandaoling Xijiang China November 2014

A loaded coal train negotiates the junction in the open cast pit.

18 Nov 2014

7 favorites

232 visits

Sandaoling Xijiang China November 2014

JS 2-8-2 6209 with the passenger stock leaves Xibolizhan.

18 Nov 2014

5 favorites

235 visits

Sandaoling Xijiang China November 2014

Sunrise over Xibolizhan.

08 Nov 2014


229 visits

Grahamstown South Africa May 1982

South African Railways Class 19D 4-8-2 2756 simmers away on shed at Grahamstown, Eastern Cape. 235 members of this class were produced between 1937 & 1951. Pre-war they were built by mainly German manufacturers but 2756 was one of the 50 19Ds built for SAR by Robert Stephenson and Hawthorns (RSH) of Darlington in 1945.

11 Oct 2014

2 favorites

194 visits

Sheffield Park West Sussex England

Bluebell Railway footbridge.

30 Oct 2014

3 favorites

249 visits

South Africa De Aar 1st June 1982

De Aar station pilot 1236
1593 photos in total