Loose_Grip/Pete's photos

27 Sep 2014

4 favorites


265 visits

Barrow Hill Chesterfield Derbyshire

ex-LNWR Webb 0-6-2T Coal Tank 1054 outside the roundhouse at Barrow Hill shed.

27 Sep 2014

3 favorites


207 visits

Barrow Hill Chesterfield Derbyshire

Pounding up the colliery branch on 60163 Tornado.

27 Sep 2014

2 favorites

175 visits

Barrow Hill Chesterfield Derbyshire

Footplate conversation

25 Sep 2014

1 favorite


128 visits

Finningley South Yorkshire

The only flying Vulcan in the world banks away from RAF Finningley (now Robin Hood Airport) on the first leg of its Cold War Tour.

25 Sep 2014

2 favorites

137 visits

Finningley South Yorkshire

Taking off from RAF Finningley (now Robin Hood Airport) is XH558, the only flying Vulcan in the world.

30 Dec 2012

1 favorite

126 visits

Toddington Station Gloucs & Warks Railway

The driver of the northbound dmu is giving up the single line staff to the bobby.

20 Sep 1969

8 favorites


304 visits

Paris Nord France September 1969

The fireman of SNCF 141TC6 fails to close the water valve quick enough! Instead of commuter tanks, TGVs arrive & depart from these platforms 45 years later !

08 Sep 2014

3 favorites


160 visits

Knightstown Valentia Island Kerry Ireland September 2014

The Full Irish!

10 Aug 2014

4 favorites

164 visits

The Jacobite Fort William to Mallaig Scotland August 2014

Matt feeds the fire on Beasdale Bank. British Railways/LNER K1 2-6-0 62005.
1540 photos in total