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  Publication date  /  2010  /  August   -   40 photos

« July 2010    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31    Sept 2010 »

  • Shaded
  • Stunning paint job!
  • Going away
  • Scarborough Flyer
  • An eye onto the sky
  • Coke ovens
  • Local passenger
  • Climbing out of Longton
  • Redundant plant and spares
  • A bit of a shock
  • Asphalt plant
  • W Blyth
  • Rapid loading
  • Common Hawker
  • Millet harvest
  • Before it went to the USA
  • Steam and electric
  • Getting away from Chelford
  • A souvenir from Berry Hill
  • Meihekou winter
  • It's that hill again!
  • Moneypoint
  • Scarborough Flyer at Soss Moss
  • 6201 Scarborough Flyer at Soss Moss - tighter crop
  • Mess hut
  • Norbury Moor
  • Common Hawker again
  • George Fryer, Brickmaker, Hazel Grove
  • Tellwright & Watkin
  • St Hilda's
  • St Hilda's
  • E-ON Connah's Quay
  • Oil tanks at Liudigou
  • Bettisfield Colliery
  • A bit of sun at last
  • Schofield Hall Colliery coke ovens
  • Cleaning
  • Aughinish Alumina
  • Gees Engine or Venture Pit
  • Common Darter