Brancaster Staithe


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20 Jun 2014

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Brancaster Staithe

I assume this to have been the harbourmaster's office at Brancaster Staithe. It overlooks the fishing quay.

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18 Jun 2014

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Faded glory

Derelict homes at Holme-next-the-Sea, Norfolk.

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16 Jun 2014

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Cromer School Board, 1896

Terracotta detailing on a former school, Bond Street, Cromer.

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19 Jun 2014

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RAF Langham Dome Trainer

This reinforced concrete hemisphere is known as the Dome Trainer. Built in 1943, it was one of about 40 built around the country, of which, it is thought, only 6 survive. It was designed and built as a Ground-to-Air gunnery trainer. Projection equipment inside the Dome displayed film of dive bombers and other aircraft making attacks from various positions within a 180 degree arc. The image was moved around the Dome using a complicated system of cams and mirrors. Films were projected in colour, with full sound, creating a realistic experience for the trainees sitting in the middle at a replicated anti-aircraft gun. On firing at the attacking aircraft the instructor could gauge whether the gunner was on target by viewing the yellow light flashes projected onto the wall of the dome as he pulled the trigger; the gunner himself could not see this because he was observing through a yellow filter. For its time, it was a very sophisticated training simulator. Trainee gunners, once competent in this would then go to Weybourne or Stiffkey for live firing at target drones towed behind aircraft. It is believed the Dome was also used as an Air-to-Air gunnery trainer. The films would have been slightly different and the trainee would have been sitting in a mock up of a turret such as that seen on a Wellington bomber. It is possible it was also used for navigational training purposes by projecting star groups onto the walls/ceiling. In 1961 the Ministry of Defence sold off the Airfield and its sundry buildings, a large part of which, including the Dome was acquired by Bernard Matthews pic. The Dome is now a Scheduled Ancient Monument, probably Norfolk's youngest such monument! It has since been donated to the North Norfolk Historic Buildings Trust (NNHBT). It is the Trust's intention, together with the Friends of Langham Dome (FoLD) to repair and restore this building incorporating its wartime use as a trainer for Anti-Aircraft Gunners. It is hoped that if enough funds can be raised and the Dome renovated, that it will be managed by the Friends and made available to the public and schools, telling not only the story of the Dome but also the important contribution made by Langham, and other East Anglian airfields, to the defence of the country in World War 2.

14 Jun 2014

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The water tower at Docking in Norfolk.

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12 Jun 2018

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The British Sugar factory at Cantley seen from a passing train. This factory which opened in 1912 was the first sugar peet processor in the UK. It can process up to 1.5 million tonnes of beet per annum, Producing up to 220,000 tonnes of quality sugar.

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27 Jun 2023

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Berney Arms

A holiday in Norfolk led to a visit to one of Britain's more remote stations. Greater Anglia FLIRT unit 755334 arrives a Berney Arms with a train from Yarmouth to Norwich. This is the 15.24 service to Norwich which is the first of two weekday departures in that direction.

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02 Jul 2023

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Great Yarmouth

The surviving gasholder at Great Yarmouth was built in 1864 and is listed Grade II. If someone doesn't paint it soon then the listing will not save it from decay and ultimate destruction.

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02 Jul 2023

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Third river crossing

Work on the third crossing of the Yare at Great Yarmouth commenced in January 2021 with completion expected in late summer 2023. The lift bridge will provide access to the port and enterprise zone enabling road traffic to avoid the town centre.
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