Station Light

The Built Environment

Here are photos of buildings, houses, villas, factories, architectural details, and so on, in fact just about everything put up by the hand of man!

18 Aug 2015

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Station Light

Similar treatment to the previous photo, this is a "Windsor" pattern gas light made by William Sugg & Co, London. This one has been converted to electricity, but the iconic design was once common throughout the UK until the latter part of the 20th century. Canon Ixus 960is. Photofinished in Silver Efex Pro

08 Mar 2017

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Barn built on Bed Rock

This old barn in Naillat belongs to a friend, and is unusual insofar as it is built above, and incorporates, an outcrop of granite. Quite why it was built in this rather peculiar manner is a mystery, but it is still in use after countless years ! Taken with a new toy, a little secondhand Sony DSLR, and converted to monochrome using Silver Efex, which I have finally got working in Gimp. I don't think SE is that different to G'mic, but it certainly has a more user friendly interface! Sony Alpha 100, 18-55mm Sony lens. Photofinished in Gimp using Silver Efex.

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28 Jul 2012

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Doorway - Saint Mary the Virgin, Shipton-under-Wychwood, Oxfordshire

The western doorway is at the base of the tower, which was begun around 1200, but the decoration around the arch looks to be a little later. Whatever, it's ornamental masonry to a high standard, and matched by the elaborate ironwork on the doors, which are seemingly much later. The church was restored in the 19th century by the architect G.E. Street, so the hinges might even date from that time. 1960 Kodak 66, f4.5/75mm Anaston lens, x2 yellow filter. Foma 400 in Thornton's Two Bath, 6+6mins@21C.

23 Dec 2014

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The Queen Vic, Stroud, Gloucestershire

This 19th century public house was originally called the Queen Victoria, but since everyone refers to it simply as "The Queen Vic", it was re-named just that, when it was re-vamped ! A nice restoration, but spoilt by the air conditioning units on the main facade. Canon Ixus 960is

11 Aug 2010

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Another 4x4

Little tower with Chestnut roofing, in the garden of the museum in Crozant, Creuse. Also taken with a 127 size camera, a Yashica 44, another delightful miniature, this time a TLR. Like the Komaflex, I gave up on the problems of slicing 120 film - I found it almost impossible to do this without leaving either scratches, or other defects, on the film. I still have a Yashica 44LM, but it's in poor condition, and it is way down the list of priorities at present !! Yashica 44 Foma 200 in Diafine

11 Feb 2010

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Lizières, 23240 Creuse. Fr

This ancient building is now used as a library & public meeting place. Not sure of it's original use, I think possibly a mill of some sort, and it looks as if one of the towers has been savagely truncated ! 1952 Ensign Selfix 16-20, f4.5/75mm Rosstar lens. Fomapan 200 Creative in Diafine

04 Nov 2009

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Rowcroft, Stroud, Gloucestershire

How to ruin a perfectly decent facade !! How they got planning permission for this monster bay window is a mystery ! The two bay windows lower down are not original either, but are much more in keeping with this otherwise stylish terrace. Minolta Dynax 600si, commercial CD scan from unknown colour print film.

04 Nov 2009

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Wrought Iron

Stylish gateway in the grounds of Stratford House, Stroud, Gloucestershire. Probably 18thC, but might be later? Minolta Dynax 600si, commercial CD scan from unknown colour print film.

04 Nov 2009

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Saint Mary's church, Tetbury, Gloucestershire.

18th century Gothic. This elegant building was built on the site of an older medieval church, in 1777. A nice example of an earlier style done with the precision of a later era. Minolta Dynax 600si, low-res. commercial CD scan from unknown colour print film.
40 items in total