Articles by Mikeinlagardette

  • Temporary Absence

    - 15 Sep 2015 - 7 comments
    I need to have further surgery for an ongoing digestive illness, so I will not be able to add any more photos for a few weeks, but of course, I shall continue to look at all the inspirational images from my many friends and aquaintances on Ipernity whilst I'm recovering! It's nice to be able to do this in a more relaxed manner than was the case last year, when I suddenly disappeared without trace for four months! I have several nascent ideas for little photographic projects to think about, an…

  • Reverse Engineering

    - 04 Jul 2015
    I have recently spent a little time using a point and shoot digital camera, and trying out some of the software options that are associated with this sort of photography, and I got to thinking about what would happen if the same, or similar, processes were applied to a silver image, - a kind of "imitation digital", - the opposite of "imitation film" ! Of course, to do this properly would need an exceptional negative to start with, but just for fun, I used a recent image of a friends car, take…

  • Second Attempt!

    - 17 Apr 2015 - 2 comments
    Once more, I have been away from Ipernity for quite a long time, for all sorts of different reasons, mostly concerned with health issues, but during that time I have continued to amuse myself with photography, and of course, I have often looked at Ipernity for inspiration and ideas, and I have also had the time to think about why I still make pictures, and what my expectations are, so here are a few thoughts that have crossed my mind! I am slowly beginning to realise that one of the aspects o…

  • Back from the brink!

    - 11 Mar 2014 - 7 comments
    Firstly, my apologies for any unanswered mail, or unacknowledged comments. I have been in hospital since December 22, when I suffered a severe attack of pancreatitis, a truly agonising experience. I spent ten days in the local hospital in Gueret, and, the pain gone, and eating normally, I returned home, but sadly, the following day, suffered another attack, this time even more severe. I returned to hospital in Gueret, but after some days I was transferred to the intensive care unit of the U…

  • The Final Selection

    - 30 Oct 2013 - 3 comments
    As my sixtyninth year draws to a close, I need to get a grip on my terrible habit of recklessly acquiring cameras, and even reverse the trend. We shall see!

  • In Praise of Simple Things

    - 04 Jul 2013 - 4 comments
    The pleasures of using consumer level cameras!

  • A New Start?

    - 26 May 2013 - 8 comments
    The changes that have occurred at Flickr have prompted my migration here, together with many others, it seems, and it's nice to find myself among friends again! With a new environment, one always thinks of the possibilities of doing things in other ways, and the internet is no different , so although I initially thought that I would transfer all my Flickr stuff here, and I did transfer one block of pictures, using the Greasemonkey script, I am now considering importing only those images that…