Like between ripped paper

Frank Lake & area

A few photos taken on a number of visits over the last few years to the Frank Lake area, SW of Calgary, Alberta.

02 Apr 2017

89 visits

Frank Lake bird blind

I got back home from my Trinidad & Tobago trip one month ago. I love our prairie and mountain scenery and was happy to get down to the Frank Lake area. There was so much water around the blind this day. Since my return, I have only had a couple of day trips and one walk and now have several photos that I wanted to post, just to remind myself of where I went and a few of the things I saw. Thought I would post these tonight, before I start on Day 5 of Trinidad & Tobago - I think they will provide a much-needed break from endless, very green photos! I had hoped to post all my holiday photos without interruption, but I can see that that is definitely not going to happen. On 2 April 2017, I joined friends for a day in the Frank Lake area, hoping to see a variety of birds. It was a partly sunny day, with constantly changing clouds, some rather ominous. As for birds, it was a very quiet day and the only birds I got to photograph were several Trumpeter Swans. I still have a couple of owl photos, taken in a local park, that I want to post, plus a handful of shots taken on 17 April, when I went with friends to look for Sandhill Cranes. Poor light plus "heat distortion" and taking some photos from inside the car resulted in a very disappointing batch of images. Will pick out a handful as a record of a most enjoyable day, way out of the city.

02 Apr 2017

96 visits

Frank Lake area

I got back home from my Trinidad & Tobago trip one month ago. I love our prairie and mountain scenery and was happy to get down to the Frank Lake area. Since my return, I have only had a couple of day trips and one walk and now have several photos that I wanted to post, just to remind myself of where I went and a few of the things I saw. Thought I would post these tonight, before I start on Day 5 of Trinidad & Tobago - I think they will provide a much-needed break from endless, very green photos! I had hoped to post all my holiday photos without interruption, but I can see that that is definitely not going to happen. On 2 April 2017, I joined friends for a day in the Frank Lake area, hoping to see a variety of birds. It was a partly sunny day, with constantly changing clouds, some rather ominous. As for birds, it was a very quiet day and the only birds I got to photograph were several Trumpeter Swans. I still have a couple of owl photos, taken in a local park, that I want to post, plus a handful of shots taken on 17 April, when I went with friends to look for Sandhill Cranes. Poor light plus "heat distortion" and taking some photos from inside the car resulted in a very disappointing batch of images. Will pick out a handful as a record of a most enjoyable day, way out of the city.

02 Apr 2017

80 visits

Trumpeter Swans, Frank Lake area

I got back home from my Trinidad & Tobago trip one month ago. I love our prairie and mountain scenery and was happy to get down to the Frank Lake area. Since my return, I have only had a couple of day trips and one walk and now have several photos that I wanted to post, just to remind myself of where I went and a few of the things I saw. Thought I would post these tonight, before I start on Day 5 of Trinidad & Tobago - I think they will provide a much-needed break from endless, very green photos! I had hoped to post all my holiday photos without interruption, but I can see that that is definitely not going to happen. On 2 April 2017, I joined friends for a day in the Frank Lake area, hoping to see a variety of birds. It was a partly sunny day, with constantly changing clouds, some rather ominous. As for birds, it was a very quiet day and the only birds I got to photograph were several Trumpeter Swans. I still have a couple of owl photos, taken in a local park, that I want to post, plus a handful of shots taken on 17 April, when I went with friends to look for Sandhill Cranes. Poor light plus "heat distortion" and taking some photos from inside the car resulted in a very disappointing batch of images. Will pick out a handful as a record of a most enjoyable day, way out of the city.

02 Apr 2017

97 visits

A changing sky at Frank LakeFrank Lake

I got back home from my Trinidad & Tobago trip one month ago. I love our prairie and mountain scenery and was happy to get down to the Frank Lake area. Since my return, I have only had a couple of day trips and one walk and now have several photos that I wanted to post, just to remind myself of where I went and a few of the things I saw. Thought I would post these tonight, before I start on Day 5 of Trinidad & Tobago - I think they will provide a much-needed break from endless, very green photos! I had hoped to post all my holiday photos without interruption, but I can see that that is definitely not going to happen. On 2 April 2017, I joined friends for a day in the Frank Lake area, hoping to see a variety of birds. It was a partly sunny day, with constantly changing clouds, some rather ominous. As for birds, it was a very quiet day and the only birds I got to photograph were several Trumpeter Swans. I still have a couple of owl photos, taken in a local park, that I want to post, plus a handful of shots taken on 17 April, when I went with friends to look for Sandhill Cranes. Poor light plus "heat distortion" and taking some photos from inside the car resulted in a very disappointing batch of images. Will pick out a handful as a record of a most enjoyable day, way out of the city.

02 Apr 2017

64 visits

Trumpeter Swans, Frank Lake area

I got back home from my Trinidad & Tobago trip one month ago. I love our prairie and mountain scenery and was happy to get down to Frank Lake. Since my return, I have only had a couple of day trips and one walk and now have several photos that I wanted to post, just to remind myself of where I went and a few of the things I saw. Thought I would post these tonight, before I start on Day 5 of Trinidad & Tobago - I think they will provide a much-needed break from endless, very green photos! I had hoped to post all my holiday photos without interruption, but I can see that that is definitely not going to happen. On 2 April 2017, I joined friends for a day in the Frank Lake area, hoping to see a variety of birds. It was a partly sunny day, with constantly changing clouds, some rather ominous. As for birds, it was a very quiet day and the only birds I got to photograph were several Trumpeter Swans. I still have a couple of owl photos, taken in a local park, that I want to post, plus a handful of shots taken on 17 April, when I went with friends to look for Sandhill Cranes. Poor light plus "heat distortion" and taking some photos from inside the car resulted in a very disappointing batch of images. Will pick out a handful as a record of a most enjoyable day, way out of the city.

02 Apr 2017

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97 visits

It's good to be home!

I got back home from my Trinidad & Tobago trip one month ago. I love our prairie and mountain scenery and was happy to see this very familiar view. Since my return, I have only had a couple of day trips and one walk and now have several photos that I wanted to post, just to remind myself of where I went and a few of the things I saw. Thought I would post these tonight, before I start on Day 5 of Trinidad & Tobago - I think they will provide a much-needed break from endless, very green photos! I had hoped to post all my holiday photos without interruption, but I can see that that is definitely not going to happen. On 2 April 2017, I joined friends for a day in the Frank Lake area, hoping to see a variety of birds. It was a partly sunny day, with constantly changing clouds, some rather ominous. As for birds, it was a very quiet day and the only birds I got to photograph were several Trumpeter Swans. I still have a couple of owl photos, taken in a local park, that I want to post, plus a handful of shots taken on 17 April, when I went with friends to look for Sandhill Cranes. Poor light plus "heat distortion" and taking some photos from inside the car resulted in a very disappointing batch of images. Will pick out a handful as a record of a most enjoyable day, way out of the city.

30 Apr 2017

90 visits

Yellow-headed Blackbird

Decided to add half a dozen photos taken today, 30 April 2017, on a day trip to Frank Lake and area with friends. Just little snapshot captures, to remind me of a few things that we saw. Most of the birds were so distant, that I couldn't even see them without binoculars. However, I was very happy to see the owl (of course) and the Black-crowned Night-heron. A beautiful day, with some interesting clouds that eventually brought rain for us, just as we were starting the drive back to the city. Heat distortion was a real pain - and there's nothing that one can do about it - and it was so windy.. Thanks so much for an enjoyable day, Tony! Well, it's after 11:00 pm and I have to be up by just after 2:00 am. Looks like this is going to have to be a night to stay up all night, otherwise I would most likely sleep right through three alarm clocks and a kitchen timer. Two friends and I have to be quite a long way out of the city to arrive at a destination before sunrise.

30 Apr 2017

108 visits

A curtain of rain clouds

Decided to add half a dozen photos taken today, 30 April 2017, on a day trip to Frank Lake and area with friends. Just little snapshot captures, to remind me of a few things that we saw. Most of the birds were so distant, that I couldn't even see them without binoculars. However, I was very happy to see the owl (of course) and the Black-crowned Night-heron. A beautiful day, with some interesting clouds that eventually brought rain for us, just as we were starting the drive back to the city. Heat distortion was a real pain - and there's nothing that one can do about it - and it was so windy.. Thanks so much for an enjoyable day, Tony! Well, it's after 11:00 pm and I have to be up by just after 2:00 am. Looks like this is going to have to be a night to stay up all night, otherwise I would most likely sleep right through three alarm clocks and a kitchen timer. Two friends and I have to be quite a long way out of the city to arrive at a destination before sunrise.

30 Apr 2017

103 visits

Owl family, safely distant

This little Great Horned Owl family - Mom and two owlets - was a long way off in the distance. Fully zoomed, Focal Length (35mm format) - 1200 mm. I just thought they looked so sweet sitting close together in their very high nest. Decided to add half a dozen photos taken today, 30 April 2017, on a day trip to Frank Lake and area with friends. Just little snapshot captures, to remind me of a few things that we saw. Most of the birds were so distant, that I couldn't even see them without binoculars. However, I was very happy to see the owls (of course) and the Black-crowned Night-heron. A beautiful day, with some interesting clouds that eventually brought rain for us, just as we were starting the drive back to the city. Heat distortion was a real pain - and there's nothing that one can do about it - and it was so windy.. Thanks so much for an enjoyable day, Tony! Well, it's after 11:00 pm and I have to be up by just after 2:00 am. Looks like this is going to have to be a night to stay up all night, otherwise I would most likely sleep right through three alarm clocks and a kitchen timer. Two friends and I have to be quite a long way out of the city to arrive at a destination before sunrise.
593 items in total