Like between ripped paper

Frank Lake & area

A few photos taken on a number of visits over the last few years to the Frank Lake area, SW of Calgary, Alberta.

21 Apr 2009

136 visits

Like between ripped paper

When I first looked at this photo, I almost felt as if I was viewing Frank Lake and the distant Rocky Mountains through a frame of ripped paper : ) We had a few hours south of the city today, searching sloughs (ponds) and Frank Lake for birds. Frank Lake is a well-known location and very popular with birders. I was very happy to see a Western Meadowlark, even though it was perched on a most unphotogenic, distant road sign, LOL. Took quite a few photos, but mainly landscapes - and most not really worth keeping. We are SO lucky to have this amazing scenery within easy reach!! Quite warm today, up to around 21C, but cooling off greatly tomorrow, with snow in the forecast sometime over the next few days.

14 Aug 2005

154 visits

Female Gadwall

Came across two young people from Ducks Unlimited who were catching, banding and releasing ducks at Frank Lake, south of Calgary. They willingly picked up and held several different species, resulting in a chance to take some close-ups!

31 May 2008

114 visits

Yellow-headed Blackbird

Love seeing Yellow-headed Blackbirds, and there are usually plenty to be seen at Frank Lake.

19 May 2008

99 visits

As if floating in clouds

Just a simple shot of reflected reeds and clouds, taken at Frank Lake, south east of Calgary.

14 Aug 2005

120 visits

Mallard female

A rather strange angle for a shot, taken at Frank Lake, south of Calgary.

14 Aug 2005

131 visits

Boreal Chorus Frog

I took this shot almost five years ago and posted a very cropped version almost four years ago - my, how time flies : )! We found this tiny Boreal Chorus Frog down at Frank Lake, south of the city, and a friend held it up for a quick photo. Wanted to post the barely-cropped version.

20 May 2007

129 visits

White-faced Ibis

A friend very kindly invited me to go south of the city today to a place called Frank Lake. The weather was overcast for a good part of the morning but the sun did finally come through just before we returned home. We saw a great variety of birds, which was a real treat. Most were far away in the distance, but I have been able to bring them a little closer with cropping. It was a thrill to see several White-faced Ibis at Frank Lake. Unfortunately, thanks to the dull weather, my birds came out more like black silhouettes, so the beautiful, irridescent colours aren't seen in my photo. In Alberta, these birds are very rare from May to September.

21 Apr 2009

125 visits

Maximillan Sunflower seedhead

There was just something I liked about this image of a seedhead of the Maximillan Sunflower. We don't usually get this flower growing here, but there is a plant or two growing wild out at Frank Lake, south of the city.

06 May 2012

124 visits

Barn Swallow

I rarely see this species, so I thrilled to bits when I saw this little Swallow perching on the fence at the "hide" at Frank Lake.
593 items in total