Hello little Nuthatch

Birds of Alberta 2

05 Jan 2007

130 visits

.... or this one?

It is so rare for me to get a photo with a plain, blurry background, but it sure feels good when it does happen! Yes, I think this shot is a bit better balanced, too. The highest this photo got in Explore was #294 on 7th January 2007.

05 Jan 2007

89 visits


The afternoon light was bright at first and then the wind and storm clouds blew in - no storm, though, thankfully.

05 Jan 2007

113 visits

Study in black and white

I think it's time that I see the Ivory-billed Woodpecker!! Wouldn't that make a great change from my usual little Downy Woodpeckers? Her head feathers are a little sleeker in this photo.

08 Jan 2007

113 visits

Black-billed Magpie

Usually, Magpies are really hard to get close to, but this afternoon, one was hanging around a feeder in the park. Even so, I didn't manage to get particularly good photos. Maybe it will be there next time I go for a walk in the same place. Famous last words!

08 Jan 2007

96 visits


I was really happy to see a few Common Redpolls on my walk this afternoon. Didn't do a very good job photographing these either - this is the best of three! I think she is such a pretty little bird, with the red dot on her forehead.

08 Jan 2007

100 visits

Time for food

I think this is perhaps the closest I have been to a Magpie. This one was amazingly unbothered by my presence, or else so hungry it didn't care! The light was beginning to fade, unfortunately.

08 Jan 2007

164 visits

Hairy Woodpecker

This male made up for missing the chance to get a photo of the female when two people and their unleashed dogs came down the hill and passed me. The dogs went crashing wildly through the trees and bushes, scaring off all the birds - which is exactly why they are supposed to be on a leash.

08 Jan 2007

112 visits

Just black and white

Oh, what a grey sky this afternoon! I had carefully planned my walk for today because the forecast was for sunshine. Snow is in the forecast for the day after tomorrow.

08 Jan 2007

91 visits

A touch of irridescense

This Black-billed Magpie was quite eager to get to this feeder in the park this afternoon. This photo shows a bit of the irridescence in the wings and tail. These very noisy birds are everywhere and it's easy for people to forget how beautiful they are.
300 items in total