
Pileated, Sapsuckers and other Woodpeckers

30 Jan 2007

143 visits

The down of a Hairy

We couldn't believe how fluffed up this female Hairy Woodpecker was this morning. She looked huge. Not a very good photo but it does show her fine feathers.

05 Feb 2007

94 visits

Hide and seek

We had a Chinook yesterday and I think the temperature went up to 8C. I thought it would be a good last chance to go to the park before we drop to -11C and -17C for the next few days. Supposed to have snow, too. Had pretty much no luck with photographing the birds, though. I awoke this morning to the sound of various neighbours scraping their car windows and so half expected to find that snow had fallen overnight. No, but all the moisture from yesterday's balmy Chinook had coated everything with a layer of ice.

11 Feb 2007

96 visits

The poser

Saw this Hairy Woodpecker this morning. She had discovered the pile of seeds that someone had put out. Bitterly cold, dull weather for us both to deal with! I knew I should have gone out yesterday while the sun was shining and the sky was blue.

28 Mar 2006

99 visits

Biggest of them all

Digging through a few photos taken at the end of March 2006, I thought I'd post this photo of a Pileated Woodpecker as a break from Chickadees, Nuthatches and Downy Woodpeckers.

05 Feb 2007

51 visits

A hairy male

I always enjoy seeing these Hairy Woodpeckers, but often find them difficult to photograph.

02 Apr 2007

72 visits

Posed with poise

This female Hairy Woodpecker lives in the same area as the Owl in the next photo. She let me get reasonably close - unfortunately, the weather was dull and snowy.

02 Apr 2007

63 visits

Hairy Woodpecker

A local Hairy Woodpecker who was flitting from tree to tree the other afternoon.

28 May 2007

121 visits


Just as I was about to leave the park yesterday, this Sapsucker appeared. It was too far away for a better shot, but it seemed a shame to waste the beautiful bright red. I don't know if anyone can tell if it's a Yellow-bellied or a Red-naped Sapsucker, without being able to see the back of its head.

01 Jun 2007

136 visits

Sapsucker at nesting hole

I think this is a Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. Saw this when I was out on a walk with a friend yesterday evening. He had seen a pair of Sapsuckers at this nesting hole and thought I would enjoy seeing them, which of course I did. Thanks, David, as always!
125 items in total