Tower Bridge stairs

Thames Path

13 Jan 2018

93 visits

Tower Bridge stairs

13 Jan 2018

87 visits

Winter Trees

13 Jan 2018

107 visits

Thames Path

07 Jan 2018

77 visits

East India Dock

13 Jan 2018

1 comment

125 visits

Herring Gull 2

Herring Gull, Limehouse, London (1994) by contemporary British sculptor Jane Ackroyd (b1957 )

07 Jan 2018

96 visits

East India Dock basin

Salt marshes

07 Jan 2018

1 comment

93 visits

Virginia Quay

Stone and bronze monument of 1951 commemorating the departure of British settlers who set out from Blackwall Quay to establish a colony at Jamestown, Virginia (USA) in 1607

07 Jan 2018

1 comment

113 visits

Tate Lyle factory

The Thames refinery is the largest sugar refinery in the EU and one of the largest in the world, with a capacity of 1.2million tonnes per annum.

07 Jan 2018

96 visits

Thames Iron Works

29 items in total