Janet Brien's photos


Pacific Rhodedendron at Honeyman State Park (+5 in…

05 May 2021 41 26 540
(+5 insets) Too Many Pictures, Not Enough Time! It's a gorgeous, freezing cold Sunday morning here in southern Oregon and I've got another set of pictures to share from our two-week stay at Honeyman State Park! The pictures just go on and on, and to be honest, I cannot bear to visit my folder of unprocessed photos because I know there are dozens that are worthy of sharing...but there's just not enough time! As it is, we're leaving on our next trip in a few weeks and I'll only be able to show pictures from the first part of our trip from 2021! I could get upset, I could skip forward and post a single picture from all the places we went, but in the end I think it doesn't matter, does it? The whole point, for me, is to share some of the lovely and wonderful things I've seen in the hopes to bring a smile to your face, to take you away from your troubles for a moment, to make you think about the subject, to try to dazzle and delight--to make you happy. I don't need to show every picture I captured, I merely need to show what I can with the hopes to get a smile and feeling of enjoyment from you. :) If I can do that, I have succeeded. :) So...here we go! Today's Picture Have you ever seen a forest full of native Rhododendrons just beginning to explode into bloom? It's quite the sight, let me tell you! It was our lucky fortune that these shrubs--generally large but sometimes quite massive, rivaling full-sized trees in size--were just starting their show and the fireworks began a few days after we arrived. The outrageous pinks and magentas, combined with sun streaming through the petals to turn the blossoms into glowing beacons, was just breathtaking! Today's Insets Inset #1: Look at the crazy bokeh I got that showcases this cone from a Larch tree! (I'm not positive about the ID, please correct me if I'm not right!) Simply stunning...I loves seeing these trees covered with their countless cones, the texture is just grand! Inset #2: After a rainy night, I went on a wonderful droplet-filled walk and as I was heading to the first trail leading out of the park I saw this gorgeous crow sitting on a dripping power line. They are so beautiful but equally annoying with the ruckus they cause...so much noise! Inset #3: Can you even believe how cool this plant-stuffed island is? As you can imagine, it was a favorite sight and I walked out to unobstructed views like this one every day. I would stand and stare in wonder, watching geese and ducks swim and fly by, and I'd appreciate the sunlight shining through the trees. It was a rare treat that I was very aware of so I always took many long looks as I hiked along Woahink Lake to the forest loop at the far side of the trail. Inset #4: This wide conifer-filled pano shows the hill leading up and leading back to the beginning of the forest loop that I was so enamored by. Everywhere along this loop I would stop and stand perfectly still to take it all in. I listened to the birds going about their business and watch squirrels climb trees and leap from one to the next, swinging in the branches. I looked at the light that showed me treasures from this special place. It was an incredible, special area, and I could literally feel the warm and welcoming glow from the forest here. Inset #5: Last, another sand dunes picture to remind you where we were! Just next to the campground, a dry desert area led for 30 miles up and down the coast, and though the dunes seemed to have nothing in them, were in fact, the breeding ground for endangered birds. So only some areas were open to people and their playthings--dune buggies, atvs and sand skiis! Thank You So Much I cannot express strongly enough, my thankfulness for your visits, comments and stars when I've not been able to visit in return. I have actually gone to see my doctor about my anxiety and am trying out Lexepro. You know, I only just started and already I'm feeling a little better! Let's cross our fingers that I'm back to my normal chatty self soon! Please take care of yourselves and have a great Sunday and beginning of your week! Explored on 1/23/22; highest placement #2.

Tiny Fenced Paths in the Enchanted Forest at Honey…

07 May 2021 56 37 451
(+5 insets) Very quick post today! Today's Picture This is what greets the lucky hiker who makes it to this point if walking several miles to get there from the Honeyman State Park campground. I just about fell over with this incredible sight! Light streaming down through the conifers, shadow lines across the trail, and tiny log fencing covered with moss to show that the path is a loop! It is a magical place and feels wonderful to walk through. Today's Insets Inset #1: The Salmonberry trees were in full bloom and shed their petals like magenta-colored snow. I found this petal sticking to a fern and thought it was too beautiful to ignore! Inset #2: Fuchsias, including this droplet-covered bud, loved this environment and there were many planted bushes around the campground to admire. These plants are native to Central and South America and are commonly used as an added shrub to Oregon parks. Inset #3 & 4: On my way to the trail to the forest loop, I walk along Cleawox lake, and in a little feeder stream I found this gorgeous Skunk Cabbage blossom. They are simply magnificent! I would have to say though, that I've never noticed any smell from these plants, even when I've walked through a massive patch of them in bloom. I love these plants with their HUGE leaves that glow with the light shining through them. The flowers are equally treasured and I feel so happy whenever I am lucky enough to see them! Inset #5 & #6: Here are another pair of pictures to show the sand dunes that are so close to our campground and encompass one side of Cleawox Lake. I loved them! Thank You For Stopping By Your visits, comments and stars really make my day and I appreciate this so much, especially since I've not been able to return the favor. Thank you for stopping by! Please take care of yourselves and have a great weekend! Explored on 1/21/22; highest placement #1.

Fringed Pinesap or Vancouver Groundcone at Honeyma…

05 May 2021 43 27 536
(+7 insets) Photography is a Boon For Discovery and Learning! One of the things I most adore about photography is the opportunity to learn, first-hand, about everything I find. It's one thing to take a picture--anyone can do that. But, do you take the time to learn more about the subjects/theme/history etc. that you photograph? For me, an image by itself does not suffice, especially if I'm unfamiliar with what's in the image. In fact, to pay it justice, learning whatever I can is almost a requirement to me. And, because of my photography and thirst for knowledge, I've learned so much about the world around me. It's no wonder that the one thing that Steve and I don't like about our RV trips is the spotty connection to the internet. Both of us need to be able to tap into the world's largest research library! Until I'm able to understand what I've photographed, I am unhappy and totally unsatisfied. Do you feel like that too? Today's Picture My marvelous daily hike was one I relished! From our campsite, I walked through Honeyman campground, past Cleawox Lake and alongside Woahink Lake and then around the magical forest loop and back again. Alongside Woahink Lake, I discovered marvelous surprises to photograph, but when I found this, I just about fell over! I noticed a pair of yellow spikes jutting out of the ground just next to the trail--one could have stepped on them in fact!--and I could hardly believe my eyes! What a WEIRD plant!! I thought until just this morning that I was looking at a very rare yellow version of Groundcone called Vancouver Groundcone . But I've just learned that this may be Fringed Pinesap too. Honestly I cannot say which it could be, but there is no debating its unusual beauty! I will be submitting my pictures to a group who will be able to tell me for sure if I've photographed a groundcone or a pinesap! Today's Insets Inset #1: I was delighted to see the beautiful groups of California Groundcone along the Woahink Lake portion of my daily walk. They were in such perfect condition and perfectly placed for easy photography! Inset #2: Steve and I learned how to take vertical panoramas with our phone cameras and we just love the way they look. This is part of the trail I walked every morning, dappled shadows and all! Inset #3: Along the lovely forest loop is a huge area under the pine trees which are covered with moss. This group of birdnest fungus was growing in enormous groups all over! What a rare and delightful surprise! Inset #4 The trail along Woahink Lake goes past a tiny island that I cherished looking at every time I walked by. I love all the trees and plants on it--what a special treasure! Inset #5 & #6: One day I spotted a garter snake who was relaxing on the moss under the pine trees along the forest loop. It allowed me to slowly approach and take all of the pictures I wanted before I quietly retreated and moved on. I was overjoyed at this opportunity! Inset #7: This is another wonderful picture of the sand dunes that are so close to our campground and encompass one side of Cleawox Lake. Magnificent! Thank You So Much! Your visits, comments and stars really make my day and I appreciate this so much, especially since I've not been able to return the favor. Thank you for stopping by! Please take care of yourselves and have a wonderful rest of your week! Explored on 1/19/22; highest placement #3.

Happy Bench Monday from Honeyman State Park! (+5 i…

03 May 2021 35 20 404
(+5 insets) Eek! I almost forgot about HBM! I'll make this quick! Today's Picture On the wonderful trail around the edge of Woahink Lake, which leads to the magical forest loop, is a fantastic memorial bench and the plaque that tells all about the couple who the bench is dedicated to. I sat on that bench many times and enjoyed the view through the trees and out onto the water. (By the way, if you click on the link "View on map", on the right side of this page, you can see exactly where this picture was taken, and shows the trail too! :) Zooming out shows the park as well!) Today's Insets Inset #1: This is the plaque centered on the bench backrest and I reread it many times because it was so touching. Inset #2-5: Honeyman's campground was vast in size and fun to walk through to and from my daily hike. One day I walked past one site and saw a wonderful chalk drawing of Winnie the Pooh adorning the cement in front of the RV. As it happened, a very friendly fellow stepped out of his RV as I was admiring the artwork and I asked if he'd drawn it. "Yes!" he said, and we then had a great conversation about art and camping and life that was really cool and interesting. What a nice guy. Later, Steve came back from walking Pumpkin around in her pocket front-pack and told me about Michael, who turned out to be the same guy I'd met! They'd chatted for 20 minutes about all sorts of things and both Steve and I were so happy to make his acquaintance. The next day I walked by and there was another drawing, this time of Piglet! With Michael this time was his darling daughter, who was cute as a button! It was very nice to meet her and later I also waved at Michael's wife. I learned they were just driving from one campground to the next, enjoying life and having a fantastic, nomadic existence. How cool is that?! :) Over the next few days there were more drawings, of Wise Owl and a beautiful mandala too! What fun it was to appreciate such pretty drawings every day! :) Thank you so much! I cannot tell you how nice it is that you are all visiting and giving me your comments, stars and support. I'm still wrestling with a lot of anxiety but starting to get a handle on it. I'm hoping I'll be able to be my usual vociferous self with my comments soon! Until then, I appreciate you all very much and miss my visits with you! Please take care!! Explored on 1/18/22; highest placement #5.

A Family of Mushrooms at Honeyman State Park! (+7…

05 May 2021 52 31 503
(+7 insets! Treasures Abound Everywhere You Turn My morning walk at Honeyman had me marching at a fast clip every day because to walk the special forest loop that I loved, I had to trek quite a distance. It worked out to be nearly seven miles round-trip and was so rewarding every time. I would see sand dunes and lakes, deep forest and lovely meadows, and everywhere there were flowers and fungus, birds and bunnies, and even the rare person and their dog to pass by. One afternoon I took Steve on my entire walk and he couldn't believe how far I went! :D He agreed though, that the magical forest loop at Woahink Lake was the prize and worthy of the challenge. Today's Picture The trail to the forest loop took me along nearby Woahink Lake, and as I entered the deep woods, the mushrooms came out to greet me! This beautiful family was quite the prize! Today's Insets: The number of fabulous subjects I managed to capture on our two-week stay here just goes on and on, and here are a few! Inset #1: There is a kind of parasitic perennial herb called California Ground Cone which defies description if you should ever be so lucky as to discover one! Inset #2: One of the trails takes hikers to a different lake situated a ways from the main campground and if one has the time, it leads to a deep and magical forest! It was a highlight every time I went! Inset #2 &3: These two pictures show the sand dunes near the park and were taken one day when Steve and I took an arduous trail that included walking over the sand. The views are fantastic, including a point when we crested a tower of sand and were greeted with the view of Cleawox Lake and the ocean beyond. Inset #4 Walking around the forest loop, I found this marvelous group of stumps and was delighted when I saw Stump Man looking up at me! Inset #5: There were countless wild Azalea bushes along the trail covered with breathtaking blossoms which were just starting to open for the season. What a sight they were! Inset #6 Returning from my walk, the sight of this glowing tree in the campground made me pause and soak up its beauty. Inset #7: When I'd return from my adventure, Steve and Pumpkin would greet me, and often I'd find them cuddling on the couch with Pumpkin nestled in Steve's fluffy robe. Darling! Thank You For the Visits! I've enjoyed seeing your comments and appreciate your visits so much. Please take care of yourselves and best of luck to you and your families while this virus continues to take over. Let's cross our fingers that it ends up weakening into "just another cold." Until then…please take care! Explored on 1/16/22; highest placement #1.

Forget-Me-Nots with Droplets at Honeyman State Par…

30 Apr 2021 39 25 362
The Dunes are So Close but Mostly Hidden! Even though this park is situated right next to a massive sand dune area which stretches for 40 miles, you'd never know it if you weren't aware of the surroundings. The soil is very sandy, true, and when it's open, there is a sandy ATV road which leads out to the dunes and the tracks leave heaps of sand in the road. But otherwise the forest and hills completely hide the dunes! Only when you get out to the lake and look off to the side do you see the dunes. It's the most peculiar thing and I was amazed at the dramatic change in scenery from sand to forest. Today's Picture Each morning I strolled through the vast campground (Oregon's 2nd largest with over 350 sites!) and in one part, there's a little trail leading along a nearly-dry stream and past a campsite. One day it was empty so I took a closer look. Next to a pine tree I found this beautiful group of Forget-Me-Nots! Because the lighting was so low, I decided to come back the next day with my macro lens and flash for a proper picture. It rained during the night and I was delighted to see the droplets on some of the petals! Today's Insets Inset #1: The first image shows a trail that leads along the dunes for a short stretch. Even though you only have to walk across the sand for five minutes or so, it's too much! I eventually altered my daily walk to avoid this section because I tired of the arduous, slippery sand and needing to sit down and shake the sand out of my shoes and socks! Inset #2: One of the trails takes hikers to a different lake situated a ways from the main campground and if one has the time, it leads to a deep and magical forest! It was a highlight every time I went! Inset #3 Blossoms were everywhere to be seen in the lovely explosion of Spring's flower show! High in the trees or next to the dirt, adorning bushes and dressing up patches of grass, I loved every floral sight I found! Inset #4: Of course there were mushrooms too! This one I found nestling in a vibrant patch of moss, and I had fun looking for them every day. Inset #5: Plenty of critters to find as well, I noticed this spider web shining in the light and was very happy to find its artist waiting for a meal to arrive! Thank You For the Visits! I hope all of you are doing well! It's a lovely, frosty day with bright sunshine and nary a cloud! Happy Sunday/Monday to you all! (I need to scan in some more doodles to share!) Explored on 1/9/22; highest placement #7.

Glowing Ferns at Honeyman State Park! (+6 insets)

30 Apr 2021 41 25 505
A Park Featuring Sand Dunes! How would you like to stay at a campground sitting right next to sand dunes? Along part of the Oregon coast lies a 40-mile stretch called the Oregon Dunes National Recreation Area, which are especially popular for folks who enjoy ATVs, dune-buggies and of all things, sand skiing! These dunes are also quite beautiful to look at, but I wouldn't recommend walking over them for any distance. The loose, deep and slippery sand is very arduous for cross and not recommended except for short stretches. (By the way, these dunes are only open to vehicles in certain areas.) Honeyman State Park has plenty of hiking and biking trails that do not go into the sand though, and I fell in love with this wonderful park and its unique habitat. The forest which hugged the edge of the sand was healthy and full of birds and other animals to enjoy, and of course I found lots of flowers and mushrooms to photograph as well! Today's Picture One of the trails I love takes me past a small pond and out to a much larger and picturesque lake. Every morning I was greeted by sun or diffused light streaming down through the trees, and in some of the trees, ferns grew. With beds of moss to cling to, the glowing greens and beautiful light was a sight that took my breath away every day. Up in one tree I saw this pair of vibrant fronds which showed the beautiful spores dotting each blade. Magnificent! Art News: New Doodles! I'm posting a pair of doodles I drew the other day and of course I have many more to share, which I'll do whenever I add another post! I don't draw every day but still, my linework improves quickly, which I'm very delighted by. It will be fun to see where my creativity leads me. Today's Insets One day Steve and I got to watch a family enjoying the sand dunes in their ATVs and it was such fun to get pictures! You'll see several pictures showing them buzzing around and climbing the hills of sand. One also shows the ocean in the distance. You will also see a picture of huckleberry flowers and a row of shelf fungus I found on the bark of a tree. Thank You For Stopping By! Thank you so much for your visits and support! Please forgive my lack of visits, I hope to get back to stopping by as soon as I am able. :) Have a safe and happy weekend! :) Explored on 1/7/22; highest placement #5.

Happy New Year! It's 2022!

01 Jan 2022 29 30 269
Wow, isn't it hard to believe that the year is now 2022?!! I don't know why it seems so amazing to me but it is! :) Here's a doodle to start the year! I will be getting back to posting trip photos as soon as I am able! Thank you very much for your visits and comments, stars and support! You're all the best! :) Explored on 1/1/22; highest placement #12.

Happy Holidays!

24 Dec 2021 42 34 321
I hope that all of you have a wonderful and festive holiday! This is my first attempt at creating a doodle ornament! :) What fun! :) Thank you very much for your comments, stars, support and encouragement! Love you all! Explored on 12/24/21; highest placement #8.

Droplet-Drizzled Fuschias at Honeyman State Park

30 Apr 2021 60 40 502
Moving on From Tugman State Park to Honeyman State Park...and an Update! I could spend weeks sharing pictures from Tugman but we must move on! Next stop is just up the coast at Honeyman State Park! I'll get into details in a future post but for now, I wanted to let everyone know that I'm doing fine, but I'm getting hit in the face by Covid anxiety again. One of the triggers is visiting folks on ipernity because I worry for everyone's safety and I cannot stop the mental chess from going on about the state of affairs and the horror of it all. I will do my best to post when I can but I apologize if I have to run and hide instead of visiting. I feel bad because I should be able to deal with this by now. Maybe because I'm so empathic, I just can't handle the mental imagery and waves of worry that sweep over me. :( I hope you are all doing well these days and I'll check in soon! Take care everyone! Explored on 12/21/21; highest placement #1.

Happy Bench Monday from William Tugman State Park!…

27 Apr 2021 50 32 347
(+8 insets) Some Benches Need to be Shown Twice! Do you remember seeing this bench before?! I wouldn't be surprised if you did, as I posted it for HBM some time ago (inset #1). What a CRAZY bench! It sits at the very end of the short 1.1-mile trail that I walk every morning when Steve and I are at Tugman State Park. It overlooks lovely Eel Lake and if you can get comfortable (um, not possible!), it would be a very nice spot for a picnic lunch! This bench is actually so lopsided that they put in a "normal" bench further up the little hillside so people can sit without sliding off! :D I hope they never remove this crazy thing, it's so much fun! :) Art News: New Doodles! I did another pair of doodles to share, and in the meantime, my watercolors and other stuff arrived so now I can begin that too! I'm a little hesitant and not quite in the mood right now so it may be a little while before I show off my first attempts. You never know though, maybe I'll have something for my next post! Today's Insets My insets include the following: • a picture of my previous posting of this super cool bench (it's clickable) • a view of Eel Lake from the end of the trail on a sunny morning that shows mist rising up • beautiful shadows on the trail...what's that on the left side? • there was a spider web I discovered next to the trail, glowing in the light! • a close-up of the spider web • glowing moss on this awesome morning • dazzling ferns on a moss-covered tree • my next pair of doodles Explored on 12/13/21; highest placement #16. Thank You For Visiting! Hope you folks are all set for a super week! It's been raining non-stop for the past day here and the forecast says possible snow, though I think our elevation's too low. Who knows though? It's certainly getting very cold! Stay warm, dry and safe! And as always, thanks so much for your visits, comments and stars! :) Explored on 12/13/21; highest placement #2.

Happy Fence Friday from William Tugman State Park!…

27 Apr 2021 53 44 408
(+3 insets) We Live for the Morning Light! There are few things as breathtaking as taking a nature walk on a lovely morning. It's something to look forward to, it's something that fills me with excitement the moment I open my eyes at the start of each day, and no matter how many glorious starts that I have enjoyed, I will always look forward to the next one! They are all different in some way and each is full of its special gifts. And aren't we lucky that we can take pictures to share? Every day at Tugman, I hop out of our trailer, walk around the edge of the nested campground loops and make my way past the entrance to the cement path that will take me to the Eel Lake trails. This footpath leads through a huge meadow which skirts the lake and leads to the boat launch for fishermen and kayakers. The glowing, green glade is dotted with picnic tables and has a gazebo for family gatherings and there's even a wonderful small playground too. I've shared a few pictures already, showing the robins who charge around the meadow, but there are so many other special sights to see! Art News: New Doodles! When I was exploring doodles online, I was intrigued by the premise behind a popular style called "Zentangles," which are drawn on 3.5" square pieces of heavy paper. Instead of just scribbling doodles, artists are encouraged to sink into a meditative state while doing so, using the drawing to keep thoughts from wandering away. It is a very pleasant feeling to "zen-out" this way and it's become a great therapy to many people. Of course, just creating the doodles is wonderful all by itself! However, one thing I can't stand is when someone takes something nice and turns it into a marketing ploy. In the case of Zentangles, the people behind it want everyone to purchase their "official" square tiles and special kits. Which, of course, are outrageously expensive. I really can't stand that crap! So, I looked around and found the perfect alternative--cardboard coasters at a quarter of the price! A couple of days ago I got my package of 100 3.5" x 3.5" cardboard coasters and immediately created a doodle! Now there are two, and soon there will be more! I've included a picture of my first two tiles, aren't they fun?! :D Today's Picture One morning the sun was shining at just the right angle to cast enormous shadows through the meadow's oak trees. I stood for a long moment, drooling at the lovely dappling on the grass, admiring the gorgeous silhouettes against the cloud-streaked sky. You will see in the background to the left, the fence on the small dock. There I have seen fathers fishing while their kids play, sometimes reaching into the water to catch salamanders which make their home there. You'll also see a few picnic tables with wonderful views of the lake too. Today's Insets I'm also sharing another picture of sun shining through oak trees on the meadow, an image of the straight path that heads to the boat launch, and a picture of my two doodles! Thank You For Stopping By--Keep SAFE! I sure hope everyone is doing ok with all of the crazy virus developments these days. I enjoyed reading that so many of you have your boosters and doing your best to be careful. No guarantees but it helps. I was in a store a couple of days ago and there were a couple of people who didn't have masks on, instead wearing defiant faces and just daring anyone to say a thing. I sure wouldn't want to be a store employee these days--it's no wonder there is such a shortage of people willing to take these jobs. What a strange world we're in these days. Anyway, I hope you folks have a fabulous weekend!! Explored on 12/10/21; highest placement #1.

American Robin at Tugman State Park (+4 insets)

23 Apr 2021 43 33 414
(+5 insets) Creativity Exploration, Incoming! I have always been a creative soul and have really enjoyed exploring my artistic interests as I've grown up and matured. Photography and writing are my greatest passions--they allow me to express myself so clearly in the ways that I feel and what touches my heart. I've explored many outlets though...my career in graphic design gave me freedom to play with typography, composition, colors, layers, etc. As a younger person I loved using acrylic paints to customize model horse figurines. I've also used a lathe to turn pens from pieces of wood, something that's really amazing! Those are just a few examples of my creative journeys. Watercolor Lately I've been seeing watercolor paintings and suddenly it hit me: I've always wanted to try painting and watercolor really sings to me. I should give it a try! WHY NOT? What am I waiting for? So I placed an order the other day, I now have books and have also been watching YouTube videos. Soon I'll embark on this new adventure...I'm so excited! Stay tuned! Doodling At the same time as I was looking into watercolor, I discovered another pastime that people enjoy called doodling, That's something I've always enjoyed (especially during a mind-numbing meeting or being stuck on the phone with someone reciting War & Peace), but I didn't know there was a huge following. Do a search on Google and you'll be amazed! It's a scribble-filled-extravaganza out there! Reading more, I learned there are some important benefits to making doodles. Artistic pastimes of any type are recognized as a creative way to meditate, as most of us know. But doodles too? That got my attention. I've always dismissed my scribbling as a gigantic waste of time, but in fact, they are a good thing to do, especially if you feel out of sorts or want to chill out and relax. I noticed something called "Zentangles" or "Zendoodles," which are practiced on 3.5" square pieces of heavy paper or framed as 3.5 squares on larger pages. The small size is attractive because it's inviting instead of intimidating. Seeing the beautiful designs pushed me over the edge and I've decided to play in that arena too. I never realized that I felt like I needed permission to doodle and now that I'm getting a green light, I'm all over it! Today's Picture Robins are so much fun to watch! Our American species isn't related to the darling and smaller robin in Europe, so I bet it has different mannerisms too. Our birds charge around in the grass with purpose and then stop to look and listen for sounds of animals stirred up by their actions. Bugs and worms are their favored prey and they spend hours stomping across lawns and open ground with creepy meals on their minds. Often a meadow or lawn will have a dozen or more birds all running around this way and that, and it makes for a great show to enjoy. This bird was just one of the many I saw at the big meadow along Eel Lake at Tugman State Park. I've shared other pictures of them, and this one I thought would be a nice pick for a main image. Magnificent bird! :) Today's Insets I'm also including some other neat finds, discovered on my daily walks.... Inset 1: Wooden bird houses erected at the shore's edge were ready for families to move in and this barn swallow was hard at work! Inset 2: One morning I saw a Mallard hen swimming with her babies and managed to get this small picture before she led them away from me! Inset 3: The vibrant, lush forest that borders the trails at Tugman State Park are incredible! Inset 4: I couldn't help myself from capturing the cool texture from a saw on this log. Inset 5: Here's a picture of my first two (current) doodles! I wanted to color them in because I just couldn't resist but in the future I'm going to concentrate on black ink and pencil because I'd like to focus on the meditative aspect of creating new doodles until I have done a bunch of them. :) Thank You For Your Visits! It's great to hear that my babbling doesn't put all of you to sleep, so thanks for letting me know! :) Thanks too, for all of your nice comments too...I have been fighting depression again--it's hard to beat back the sad news hitting me from everywhere--but when I read your thoughts, it brings me right out of the doldrums! :) Here's hoping that the rest of you are doing great! Have a healthy, happy week!!

Happy Fence Friday from William Tugman State Park!…

21 Apr 2021 66 46 529
(+8 insets) (cool at full size!) (Please scroll down to "Today's Image" for photo info) Back to a Favorite Park! From Harris Beach State Park, we drove up the coast for 2.5 hours and landed in William Tugman State Park, hooray! It was so nice to be back at this lovely place again. Our stay would only be for seven days but we'd be back in a couple of months for another five days, so we were very content. Also, there's a big difference if you've been to a place before. Fewer days is acceptable because you've already become familiar with it. I wrote about our stay here back in April with two different posts which you'll see as inset pictures. Please take a look for more pictures and some fun stories about our trip! I'm also posting a picture of our trip map so you can see where we went! Current News: We Got Our Moderna Boosters! We've been keeping an eye on vaccinations with the hopes we could get our boosters soon. We got our first shot in April--just two days after becoming available--and the follow-up in May. Just like before, the boosters were first granted to those in most need. But unlike the months it took to wait for our initial shots, it was only a couple of weeks before the gates were lowered for everyone to get their boosters. We'd wondered about that because Moderna was a bit behind the others for getting the go-ahead but in the end it was no problem! Instead of making an appointment, we decided to go to our local fairgrounds where they have a drive-through clinic. We imagined it would be a 20-minute affair…drive up, get our shots, wait for 15 minutes to make sure we didn't explode, and then off to continue our day. We're such silly rabbits! There was quite a long line when we pulled into the queue, and it moved very slowly. We spent over an hour slowly creeping forward in line but it went by quickly. The folks there prepared everyone beforehand by handing us forms to fill out and checked identification, etc. And of course we had our phones with us to amuse ourselves with on the internet. Before we knew it, we pulled up to the clinic and got our shots…YAY! What a relief. It's no guarantee, of course. Plenty of you here have confirmed this with your stories of getting Covid despite full vaccination. But it does make a difference, and even if one is unfortunate enough to get the virus anyway, the symptoms will usually be much milder. With this new variant we were bouncing up and down with our desire to get our booster. Since the numbers of infected began rising again, we reverted to our most careful habits of masking up and disinfecting. It's such a bummer though, and I'll admit that I'm feeling a lot of anxiety about the future. I have a difficult time refraining from my mental chess games but there isn't anything more we can do so I'm Today's Picture There is a gate into William Tugman State Park which I've never seen closed, but every single time I've walked past it, I wanted to take pictures with my macro lens. You can see why…what's not to love about a rusty, dangling chain, padlock, and the edge of a fence with an interesting gate closure?! I was so happy when I finally got out there with my camera. The moody images were such fun to mull over! Today's Insets Insets 1 and 2 are clickable and will bring you to the posts I added back in April when we began our trip. You'll find more images and lots of information about our stay! Inset 3 is our trip map so you can see where we went! Inset 4: There's a beautiful grassy meadow which looks out onto Eel Lake with a path that leads through it from the campground down to the dock, boat launch, and to the trails that I love so much. Walking through the meadow, there are always American Robins there, hunting for tasty tidbits and I love to watch them as they charge around and stop to turn their heads and listen for movement to jump on! Inset 5: I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw a perfect family of geese and goslings! I was lucky enough to get bunches of pictures and this is one of them! (there are others if you click on the first inset picture) Inset 6: While I was watching the robins one day, I spotted this couple walking their old Great Dane across the meadow. They were so sweet. I would later encounter the fellow and his dog on the short nature trail and pointed out some mushrooms to him, something that totally enchanted him! :) Inset 7: Have you ever seen shelf fungus that looked like this? The shapes are so interesting! Inset 8: I am always fascinated by the dew that you can find on fungus, and learned that it's an excretion that happens with the fluctuation of temperature from evening to morning! Thank You For Stopping By! I hope you guys are all getting your boosters too. Please stay safe and don't take chances--the consequences are unthinkable! I hold all of you close to my heart and we've had some tragedies in our community and some other close calls too. Let's do what we can to keep this virus at a distance! Explored on 12/03/21; highest placement #1.

Tide Pool Beauty at Harris Beach, a Finale (+5 in…

14 Apr 2021 63 45 538
(+5 insets) (very nice at full size!) (Please scroll down to "Today's Image" for photo info) Moving on From Harris Beach Steve and I spent a full two weeks here at Harris Beach State Park and while we were here, I got an endless variety of pictures, most of which I simply don't have time to post. I hope that at some point I can dip into this well of beautiful images to share some more but for now, it's time for me to step forward to our next stop! If you can believe it, these past 13 posts (since 11/01), brimming with insets and stories, are from exactly ONE of our campground stops. We were out for an astonishing six MONTHS and visited 20 campgrounds in that time! Every spot was like this in the number of adventures and never-ending photo opportunities. It really is completely staggering to think about. Grateful? OH MY YES. I count my lucky stars every time I think about our good fortune! And in the middle of a pandemic, no less. We are incredibly blessed and I am so glad that I can show you all some of the things I saw and experienced. Today is my last post from Harris Beach for now, but don't worry! This jaw-dropping place was also the very last stop for us before we came home in the middle of October…and once again, I filled folders with a totally different variety of incredible sights on that short, yet bountiful, five days. Today's Picture Another stunning look at a natural masterpiece, when I saw this I had to stop and just stare. It was captured at the upper edge of the tide pool area and shows the sculpted rocks with colorful algae adhered here and there. The contrast of light and shadow, shine and darkness, straight and round lines, dry and wet…really took my breath away. I tried many angles and different depths of field to capture the view and this was my favorite. Truly, a single picture cannot convey what I saw, but you will get the main idea: AWESOME! :) Today's Insets One of the fun things that happens on Harris Beach is the non-stop building of driftwood forts! There is a huge collection of logs and branches that wash up on the shore, and they collect at the tops of the beaches. People--especially kids, but adults play too!--will create a variety of lean-tos and elaborate log houses, some complete with driftwood roofs. Most will wash away during high-tide, but some stay to be admired or worked on. One picture shows a driftwood fort, another picture shows a pretty group of colorful logs. I also have another picture which shows part of the tidepool area and gives an idea of the huge place I got to explore. If you consider the investigation through a macro lens, what you see is the equivalent of countless miles to discover! Finally, a pair of images to show some more tide pool life: a still-life of black turban shells with sucked-in anemones, and a rocky crevice where a group of anemones waits for the waves to return so they might extend their tentacles again for a passing feast. Thank You So Much Wow, I am so glad that my last post was such fun for everyone. I sometimes wonder if I bore you all to death with my reports. I try to make it easy for people just passing by to look at the pictures and understand what's going on with my shorter photo descriptions. I get it! We don't all have time to read War & Peace! :D However, it's extremely gratifying and joyful to see that some of you do have the time and better still, you really like what I have to say! It's the very best feeling to me, bringing happiness when I can! So THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart. You folks--all of you--make my life so much happier and fulfilled! Hope your week is going well--let's all be extra careful these days…it's getting really scary again!! Explored on 11/30/21; highest placement #2.

Nature's Abstract Masterpiece at Harris Beach (+2…

14 Apr 2021 50 36 331
(+2 insets) (stunning at full size!) (Please scroll down to "Today's Image" for photo info) Hiding in Plain Sight: Life in a Tide Pool Tidal pools are amazing. The diversity of life is astonishing but it's very easy to miss most of it without the right approach. Creatures there are highly sensitive to motion and the majority will freeze in place if they detect even the slightest movement. This is why it seems like tide pools are empty and lifeless. Patience is the trick. Find a good vantage point, stand completely still and wait. After a time--this could be 30 seconds or more than five minutes--a magic wand will tap and with a sparkling twinkle the pool will come to life! Little crabs--and sometimes big ones!--emerge from cracks to scuttle here and there. Snails will push their muscular foot down to unseal their shell, protrude their simple eye tentacles and cruise slowly across a rock. If there's enough water, anemones will raise their finger-like tentacles and wave them around to sift for food. Even starfish move--did you know that?--and they will continue their mission to hunt down a meal. Tidal pools that never empty can sometimes even reveal baby fish--fry--that will dart about in their glassy, transparent bodies. There are so many animals that make their homes here, my description names only a few! Shifting Focus The day I took my macro set-up with me, I found myself constantly shifting gears. Sometimes I would focus on the wonderful plants and encrusted life forms adhered to the boulders. Other times I was stunned at the abstract artwork of sand, water, rocks, and reflections which Mother Nature created in a jaw-dropping manner. Although I remember this very clearly, if it wasn't obvious in my mind, looking at my folder of pictures shows this blatant back-and-forth shift in concentration. I would see something that wrenched me over to the abstract, where I took pictures of patterns and shapes. Then I'd see a lovely little creature which had me leaning nose-close to study its marvelous details with rapt admiration and an accompanying set of images. Isn't that cool to have such an interesting time capsule? Moving through my stream of images brings me back to each moment with its sights, sounds and smells. It's priceless to have these memories preserved so crisply. I was really enjoying looking at the unique and beautiful sand textures. Retreating rivulets of water left by departing waves combined with the snaking streams of water from the hillside made some really stunning sights. It's not easy to translate this through the lens of my camera but I did my best as I creeped along. Looking from high and low perspectives changed the appearance and sometimes in amazing ways. My experiences that day are some of my treasured memories from Harris Beach. Today's Picture I saw this lovely combination of pattern and water anchored by a huge rock and took many pictures to find just the right composition. I couldn't get over how much the sand reminded me of looking down from an airplane at the hills below. So dramatic! This image shows the amazingly cool appearance of a perfect reflection of sand shapes in the water…except it's not a reflection! Today's Insets While I took pictures of that arresting scene, I noticed movement from the pool of water and leaned down for a closer look. It was a tiny hermit crab! From my recollection, I have never seen one so small! Enraptured, I watched it moving along in its periwinkle shell. For something so small, that little guy could really go, and soon it was out of the water and marching across the Sahara-like sand dunes. So adventurous! Soon though, it returned to the safety of the water and I quietly retreated to leave it in peace. You'll see one picture showing it crossing the "Sahara Desert" and a collage which shows the closest images of this darling cutie pie. Thank You For Stopping By--My Thoughts Are Reaching Out to You… Always a humbling experience, I'm forever touched by your visits. You would be happy to know my delighted responses--smiles, snickers, outright laughter, sighs and nods of interest when you're telling me something to know. What a neat way for a community to interact, don't you think? I love it! And of course, I love the visits to all of you too, and all that I learn and become aware of. It can be difficult too, when we are grieving for dear friends in our community. In this case, Marie-Claire, my heart cries for you and your daughter. And Günter Klaus, my thoughts are with you too in your greatest challenge. Ipernity is a community with so many happy times, but there are sad times too…we pull together in good times and bad. May your week be a nice one and full of healing and strength. Explored on 11/28/21; highest placement #1.

Stream and Sand Abstract at South Harris Beach (+…

14 Apr 2021 66 43 587
(+7 insets) (This image looks super cool against black, please click!) (Please scroll down to "Today's Image" for photo info) Notes Written on the Road: The Kayakers I love my morning walks because there's no telling what I'll find, and on this morning, I was stunned by the show I got to watch! Heading down Rock Beach Trail, which leads to North Harris Beach, I looked out at the gorgeous view as I went. At the top of the steep hill is a perfectly-placed bench and I passed an older gentleman perched there, chatting with someone on his phone. I mused to myself as I passed by, "That's not a bad place to be!" I zigzagged down the roughly-paved trail, making sure to watch my step. I couldn't help looking out at the staggering view of the rock-strewn coastline and the last thing I needed to do was trip! At one point I spotted a splash of bright orange--what was that? Heading closer, I could see it was couple making their way down to the water with a pair of nested kayaks. Woah…seriously? I thought they might be insane but hey, maybe they weren't! A few moments later I emerged onto the southern end of North Harris Beach and traced the water's edge, appreciating the lovely shapes of the waves sneaking up the beach. Looking up, I saw the couple had set their kayaks down and brought one closer to the water. They were arranging gear, a fishing pole, a paddle, and tucking in loose items. I stood and watched from a distance and could see they were totally relaxed and confident--likely they'd done this plenty of times in the past. The pair moved towards the water for a moment, discussing the plan of attack with many gestures. Soon they walked back, grabbed each end of the woman's kayak and made their way out into the water, waves racing around their ankles and then knees. They watched the waves and moved into the water bit by bit until they were about knee-deep; the woman then took over and, with the timing coinciding with the breaking waves, she straddled and sank into her kayak and then puddled furiously as a small wave came her way. Crashing through the crest, her boat easily maneuvered the frothy spray and she was on her way! I gawked and shook my head, feeling totally stunned by what I'd witnessed. Even though the waves were very small and the surf quite mild, it's not an easy thing to get a boat through waves and into the deeper, calmer water. Kayaks are so tippy that I really wasn't sure it was possible. But as I stood and clapped my hands in joy for the lady, she negotiated the other waves coming her way with fast, strong strokes of her paddle and emerged on the other side in calm water, totally victorious! Hooray!!! Her man turned and quickly got his kayak down to the water and negotiated the waves with perfect timing and experience, joining her in just a few minutes. WHAT FUN IT WAS TO WATCH THIS!! There's something extra fun about watching something that doesn't seem possible and get the reward of seeing it happen right in front of you! (Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of this cool show but it's a memory I'll never forget!) Today's Picture I'm just crazy about the patterns, shapes and reflections that water and sand create. Waves rushing up on the shore and retreating leave such cool textures. And, if you're lucky enough to have a creek running into the ocean, the fabulous imagery is simply endless! The main picture today shows a very abstract and beautiful shape of sand with stream water making its way down to the ocean. Today's Insets I've included a handful of images I captured at the same time…in fact, I have so many useable images that I had to stop myself from processing more! Here's what I've included: • a view of a creek meeting the ocean, accented with a huge boulder and seagulls • a young seagull standing in a retreating wave, looking for a tidbit • a shallow dof shot focused on an interesting rock with receding water lines and lots of cool bokeh to enjoy behind • one of the countless beautiful rocks in the sand which cried out for a picture • a still life featuring some rocks and the tracks of little clams (I think!) • a nearly-submerged rock covered with seaweed and kelp • an artistic image showing the pattern left by retreating waves In the sand. To me, it looks like an aerial photograph from miles above! Thank You For Stopping By! Every visit I get makes me smile and feel grateful that I can share images that you like to see. The words you leave me are so nice, I am often left blushing with joy! I also enjoy thinking about the things you relate to me, memories that come to mind. It's so much fun to trade our comments back and forth! My visits to your photos are always full of great surprises, wonder and delight, and I enjoy letting you know what I'm thinking. Aren't we lucky to have such a warm community?! Have a super day and rest of your week! :) Explored on 11/23/21; highest placement #3.

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