Rijksmuseum van Oudheden 2023 – The Year 1000 – Fibula with face of Jesus

Rijksmuseum van Oudheden

Folder: Leiden, the Netherlands
Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, the Netherlands.

Museum of Antiquities – Gravestone for the gladiat…

09 Feb 2013 235
The gravestone was put up by his familia. 3rd Century AD

Museum of Antiquities – Roman capitals

09 Feb 2013 151
Grave inscription for Senilis, slave to centurio Quintus Attius Celer Senilis lived to 20 years old. 2nd–3rd Century AD

Museum of Antiquities – Pan with panflute

09 Feb 2013 124
1st–2nd Century AD

Museum of Antiquities – Apollo

09 Feb 2013 129
1st–2nd Century AD

Museum of Antiquities – Hercules with club

09 Feb 2013 152
Roman copy of a Greek original of Lysippos. 1st–2nd Century AD.

Museum of Antiquities – Predicting Owl of mr. Arch…

09 Feb 2013 232
The owl served as a sign for the business of mr. Petrios. He predicted the future for four as. 2nd or 3rd Century AD

Museum of Antiquities – Apollo

Museum of Antiquities – Pallas Athene

09 Feb 2013 137
She helps in determining who gets the weapons of Achilles. 480–470 BC

Museum of Antiquities – Athens pottery

Museum of Antiquities – Stairs

Museum of Antiquities – Grave relief

09 Feb 2013 129
Attica, 370 BC

Museum of Antiquities – Equestrian

09 Feb 2013 166
Athens pottery

Museum of Antiquities – Satyr

09 Feb 2013 184
Athens pottery, 490 BC

Museum of Antiquities – Owl

Museum of Antiquities – Hoplitodromos

09 Feb 2013 191
Armed footrace Athenian pottery 490 BC

Museum of Antiquities – Dionysos and satyr

09 Feb 2013 99
2nd–3rd Century AD

Museum of Antiquities – Athenian pottery

Museum of Antiquities – Dionysos and satyr

09 Feb 2013 105
2nd–3rd Century AD

143 items in total