Rijksmuseum van Oudheden 2023 – The Year 1000 – Fibula with face of Jesus

Rijksmuseum van Oudheden

Folder: Leiden, the Netherlands
Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, the Netherlands.

Museum of Antiquities

28 Jun 2009 164
Leiden, the Netherlands "The Dutch National Museum of Antiquities (Rijksmuseum van Oudheden) is the national centre of archaeology where as wide and varied as possible an audience can appreciate the cultures of ancient Egypt, the Near East, the classical world and the early Netherlands." www.rmo.nl/english

Museum of Antiquities – Temple statue of Isis

09 Feb 2013 97
The legs are not original. Approx. 200 BC

Museum of Antiquities – Scarabee on a mummy

Museum of Antiquities – Kitty

09 Feb 2013 127
304–31 BC

Museum of Antiquities – Wall reliefs of Merymery –…

09 Feb 2013 137
Merymery was a guard of the treasury. He was married to Meritptah. Found in Sakkara. 1391–1353 BC

Museum of Antiquities – Wall reliefs of Merymery –…

09 Feb 2013 123
Merymery was a guard of the treasury. He was married to Meritptah. Found in Sakkara. 1391–1353 BC

Museum of Antiquities – Wall reliefs of Merymery –…

09 Feb 2013 153
Merymery was a guard of the treasury. He was married to Meritptah. Found in Sakkara. 1391–1353 BC

Coffin of Petisis

09 Feb 2013 206
The death god Sokaris. Thebe, 710–680 BC

Mummy of an unknown man

09 Feb 2013 148
Graeco-Roman style Thebe, 200–250 AD

Mummy chest

Tomb statue of Angeriautef – Anubis & Hathor

09 Feb 2013 955
Angeriautef was a writer in the commission of Ramses II. Anubis & Hathor were guardian gods of the burial place at Memphis. 1250 BC

Detail of the tomb reliefs of Horemheb

09 Feb 2013 148
Horemheb was chief commander of the army of Tutankhamun. Found in Sakkara, 1333–1319 BC

Tomb stela of Meryptah

09 Feb 2013 229
Meryptah is the second left. To the right is his brother Ptahmes. They are both high priests of Ptah. The two brothers are flanked by their parents, their father Djehutymes is a vizier or a viceroy. The figure on the right is another priest of Ptah. The lower part of this stela is in London. Who knows what happens if they are joined together again. Found in Sakkara, 1360 BC

Museum of Antiquities – Grave gift – Milling Serva…

09 Feb 2013 122
Found in Gizeh, 2350 BC

Museum of Antiquities – Master & Slave

Museum of Antiquities – Tombstone of a man

09 Feb 2013 138
Found in Palmyra, Syria. 200–225 AD

Museum of Antiquities – Gravestone for the gladiat…

09 Feb 2013 182
Apollonios was a retiarius. The gravestone was put up by his wife Zosime. She states that her husband managed to win 48 times. 200–250 AD

Museum of Antiquities – Gravestone for the gladiat…

09 Feb 2013 333
Euchros was a retiarius. The gravestone was put up by mr. Platanos. 3rd Century AD

165 items in total