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  Shooting date  /  2013  /  June  /  10   -   33 photos

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  • Model of the Villa
  • Nymphaeum
  • Dry Heat Bath
  • Plunge Pool
  • Lead Pipe
  • The North Wing
  • Hypocaust
  • View from the Villa
  • Chanelled Hypocaust
  • West Wing
  • Chi-Rho
  • Keys and Locks
  • Steps
  • Mosaic
  • Mosaic Detail
  • Nymphaeum
  • Victorian Shooting Lodge
  • Stoke Hole and Log Store
  • Latrine
  • Dining Room
  • Dining Room Mosaic Detail
  • Lobby Mosaic
  • AnteRoom
  • Sistrum
  • Hot Room of the Baths
  • Warm Room of the Baths
  • Changing Room for the Baths
  • Cold Plunge Pool
  • Mosaic Floor
  • Flue
  • Tree Root
  • Stoke Hole
  • Water Channel