Alan H's photos

Vault Opening

02 May 2008 115
This would have been at the top of the end wall of the building. The Roman Baths, Bath, England.

Roof Fragment

02 May 2008 116
Hollow box tiles were used to reduce the weight of the heavy roof and insulate the baths. The Roman Baths, Bath, England.

Great Bath and Abbey

02 May 2008 107
The Roman Baths, Bath, England.

The Great Bath

02 May 2008 137
The Roman Baths, Bath, England.

Sacred Spring Overflow

02 May 2008 149
Excess water from the Sacred Spring flows through here and then into the drain. The orange colour is due to dissolved iron in the water. The Roman Baths, Bath, England.


02 May 2008 145
Overspill water from the Sacred Spring flowed through here on its way to the river Avon. The Roman Baths, Bath, England.


02 May 2008 175
The Roman Baths, Bath, England.

Temple Courtyard

02 May 2008 177
Looking toward where the temple would have stood. The Roman Baths, Bath, England.

Great Altar

02 May 2008 114
It would have stood in the temple courtyard, outside the Temple. The Roman Baths, Bath, England.

Altar to Sulis Minerva

02 May 2008 1022
DEAE SULI L(UCIUS) MARCIUS MEMNOR HARUSP(EX) D(ONO) D(EDIT) For the goddess Sulis, Lucius Marcius Memnor, haruspex, gave this gift. A haruspex was a priest trained to practice a form of divination called haruspicy which is the inspection of the entrails of sacrificed animals, especially the livers of sacrificed sheep and poultry, to predict the future. The Roman Baths, Bath, England.

Temple Courtyard

02 May 2008 151
How it was and how it is. The Roman Baths, Bath, England.

Statue Head of Sulis-Minerva

02 May 2008 178
Probably from the gilded bronze statue which would have stood in the temple of Sulis-Minerva. Bath, England. May 2008.

Temple Steps

02 May 2008 159
The temple would have been on the other side of the partition on the left (Perhaps it still is!). The Georgian Pump Room was built over the Temple and its courtyard - hence the supporting wall to the right. The Roman Baths, Bath, England.

Temple Courtyard

02 May 2008 116
Steps leading to the Sacred Spring are on the right hand wall. The Roman Baths, Bath, England.

Curse Tablet

02 May 2008 128
Found in the Roman Baths at Bath, UK. The curse is inscribed on a lead sheet. The Roman Baths, Bath, England.

Detail from Temple Pediment

02 May 2008 270
Temple of Sulis-Minerva in Bath, UK.

Temple Pediment

02 May 2008 1 210
Temple of Sulis-Minerva in Bath, UK. May 2008.

Model of Roman Bath

02 May 2008 128
Showing the Temple, Temple Courtyard and the barrel-roof of the Sacred Spring on the left hand side. The Roman Baths, Bath, England.

4278 items in total