Alan H's photos

East Gate

03 May 2008 131
Caerwent Roman town, Wales, UK.

Castle Mound

03 May 2008 138
Built by the Normans, once housed a small timber castle. Caerwent Roman town, Wales, UK.

South Wall

03 May 2008 97
Caerwent Roman town, Wales, UK. May 2008.

Defensive Tower

03 May 2008 92
Caerwent Roman town, Wales, UK.

South Wall

03 May 2008 90
Caerwent Roman town, Wales, UK.

Defensive Tower

03 May 2008 105
Caerwent Roman town, Wales, UK.

West Wall

03 May 2008 113
Looking toward the south. Caerwent Roman town, Wales, UK.

Courtyard House

03 May 2008 100
Caerwent Roman town, Wales, UK.

Courtyard House Hypocaust

03 May 2008 100
Caerwent Roman town, Wales, UK.

Courtyard House

03 May 2008 94
Caerwent Roman town, Wales, UK.

Courtyard House Detail

03 May 2008 92
Caerwent Roman town, Wales, UK.

Courtyard House

03 May 2008 111
Caerwent Roman town, Wales, UK.

Shops and Houses

03 May 2008 80
Caerwent Roman town, Wales, UK.

Shops and Houses Detail

03 May 2008 79
Caerwent Roman town, Wales, UK.

Shops and Houses

03 May 2008 82
Caerwent Roman town, Wales, UK.


03 May 2008 166
From an excavated house in Caerwent, Wales, UK.


03 May 2008 127
Dedicated to Mars-Ocelus, found in an excavated house in Caerwent, Wales, UK.

Paulinus Inscription

03 May 2008 166
TI[berio] CLAVDIO PAVLINO LEG[atvs] LEG[ionis] II AVG[vsta] PROCONSVL PROVINC[iae] NAR RBONENSIS LEG[ato] AVG[usti] PR[o]PR[raetore] PROVIN[ciae] LVGVDVNEN[sis] EX DECRETO ORDINIS RES PVBL[cae] CIVIT[atis] SILVRVM Dedicated to Tiberius Claudius Paulinus by the community of the state of the Silures: [To Tiberius Claudius] Paulinus, (once) commander of the second Augustan Legion, (then) proconsul of the province of Gallia Narbonensis, (now) imperial governor of the province of Lugdunensis; by decree of the council of the community of the state of the Silures. (RIB 311) In the Roman town of Venta Silurum (Caerwent)

4278 items in total