Penny Richards' photos

Swimsuitcase (top)

28 Jul 2011 140
Swimsuitcase is made from a thrifted Skyway suitcase, upcycled with gesso, paint, sharpies, paper collage, modpodge, and paper punches. Image of the three swimmers in 1914 is from the Library of Congress uploads to Flickr Commons (see below).

Swimsuitcase (back)

28 Jul 2011 376
Swimsuitcase is made from a thrifted Skyway suitcase, upcycled with gesso, paint, sharpies, paper collage, modpodge, and paper punches. Image of the three swimmers in 1914 is from the Library of Congress uploads to Flickr Commons (see below).

Honey Cardamom cookies

25 Jul 2011 145
These were based on a recipe for molasses-ginger cookies--but I didn't have enough molasses or ground ginger. So honey instead of molasses, cardamom and nutmeg instead of ginger. Tasted great, with a wonderful texture.

Crochet Crutch Covers

23 Jul 2011 154
Daughter has to use crutches for a few days after a sprained foot. But that doesn't mean she has to use boring crutches... she likes the covers I made, and they seem a little more comfortable too.

Crutches from a Closed Pharmacy

22 Jul 2011 282
So, here's the story: Daughter sprained her foot yesterday, at the park. The urgent care last night didn't have her size of crutches. Kovacs-Frey Pharmacy (near the Galleria) has loads of medical equipment--but when we got there this morning at 8:25, it was closed. Daughter had music camp starting at 9, the posted hour for the pharmacy to open. BUT! The owner saw us peering in the windows, and said "c'mon in, I'll sell you some crutches right now." He found the right size, showed her how to use them, and we were done by 8:40. Yeah, Kovacs-Frey Pharmacy!

Trying out the Cymbals

20 Jul 2011 143
Music Rhapsody Music Camp, Manhattan Beach. The Mira Costa HS Marching Band makes an appearance every year to demo their instruments and give the campers a chance to try them out.

Beethoven T-shirt

20 Jul 2011 137
Most of the Music Camp kids wear music camp t-shirts; I liked this one as an alternative.

Sousaphone Dancing

20 Jul 2011 335
The sousaphone player from the Mira Costa HS Marching Band was really kinetic, and the kids loved it.

Swap-o-Rama-Rama creations, July 2011

16 Jul 2011 149
Daughter and her friend have been to four Swap-o-Rama-Rama events now, and they're really good at remaking clothes for themselves. On the left, daughter made her fleece hat, t-shirt with applique; friend on the right remade the t-shirt, sweater/shrug, and a hat.

Renegade Craft Fair, Swap-o-Rama-Rama, Craftside t…

16 Jul 2011 160
That's Stefanie Girard helping my daughter and her friend with an applique. Such a fun day. (Oh, you can see my train case in the foreground--our tables were neighbors.)

Uvula Pin

15 Jul 2011 227
Made this for a friend's husband--he'll be having treatment for throat cancer over the next few weeks, and she says he'll wear this to appointments. Two sizes of wooden base, acrylic paint, paper collage, Mod Podge, sharpies, bar-pin backing.

I didn't make these!

14 Jul 2011 144
Squares for a group project at Catalina Coffee. I didn't make any of them, but they were so pretty, I had to take a snap.

Squares for a Group Project

14 Jul 2011 136
Ravelry's "nuts4fiber" at knitting group (where there were mostly crocheters), Catalina Coffee, Redondo Beach.

Yesterday's Harvest

12 Jul 2011 154
Minus the six or so that we ate last night. It's Tomato Time.

Larz Anderson Automotive Museum

09 Jul 2011 114
Brookline, MA. Niece's wedding reception was held there this past weekend.

Tornado Potato

03 Jul 2011 142
Daughter is apparently angling for a spokesmodel gig. ;)

NomNom Truck with NO line

03 Jul 2011 134
LA Food Truck followers will know what an unusual sight this was. Yes, they were open. Aviation Park, 7/3/11.

Spider's Web, OG Tempura

03 Jul 2011 121
Spider's Web is crab, bacon, and angel-hair pasta, with pesto aioli. A little too rich for me, but certainly a sight to behold! Aviation Park, 7/3/11.

3169 items in total