michaelori2022's photos

Springtime in the park

20 Apr 2020 3 8 236
Lori and Lori model a Breakers one piece thong swimsuit on a nice, sunny, warm afternoon in a private secluded area of the nearby park. Why not the beach? "Well," explains Lori, "the beaches have been ordered closed right now, and the water would still be very cold." Michael's note: There is an another version of this suit in our photostream. Can you find it? Which one is your favorite?

Bikini time

19 Feb 2020 3 2 309
It's 15 degrees outside, blowing ice and snow. I think we all need a break from this frozen tundra and let our minds drift back to the sandy beach where warmth and sunshine is the norm for July. Lori suggested sharing one of her many string bikini pics to help your imagination. Enjoy and stay warm!

Body image

12 Dec 2019 1 4 274
Recently the beautiful actress Teri Hatcher (Desperate Housewives) posted a front/back photoset of her superbly toned body in a bikini for all of her instagram followers. She commented: "Why actually post a pic of myself in a bikini? Well, this is my truth and being in this 55 year old body actually feels liberating!" We salute Ms. Hatcher's confidence and positive attitude with Lori's interpretation of that now famous photo...with some slight variations you might enjoy.

Modeling days

08 Aug 2019 1 198
Several years ago Lori did some amateur modeling for a professional photographer. She totally enjoyed the experience, and said it was one of her most exciting adventures. This blue crochet nightgown was tied only at the sides, which made it most provocative for both the model as well as the camera!

Happy 4th!

04 Jul 2019 159
In a pose resembling Lady Liberty, Lori wraps herself in the Stars and Stripes to celebrate the 4th of July...Let Freedom Ring! Wishing all our Ipernity friends and fans a happy and safe Independence Day holiday! Michael's note: Can anyone find this Spirit of '76 bikini (Lori's favorite) anywhere else in our photostream?


15 Aug 2018 1 306
Lori's identical cousin Tori dropped in for a visit! After lunch, gossip, and trying on some of Lori's clothes, Lori suggested that Tori model for her in some swimwear. Tori: "Wow, cuz! Bikini model? Can I?" Lori: "Sure you can! Let's do it!" Together they picked out some favorites, Lori excitedly prepared the camera and tripod, and Michael...well. he just sat back and watched (along with you)! Michael's note: All photos posed and taken by Lori (with just a little help by Michael).

Happy 4th!

04 Jul 2018 1 490
Wearing her traditional stars and stripes bikini (one of her favorites), Lori relaxes at the local beach and catches some rays. (notice the patriotic beach towel, too!) Wishing all our Flickr friends and fans a happy and safe Independence Day holiday! Michael's note: Can anyone find this Spirit of '76 bikini anywhere else in our photostream?

Spring is coming!

09 Mar 2018 1 292
Still cold (upper 30's). but the snow is almost gone... Lori braves the chill to pose on the deck in a one piece racing suit from Speedo. Warm weather is on its way!

Last days of summer

26 Sep 2012 603
Perhaps one of the last warm days of the season... Lori looks wistfully at the waves on the lake, in a fluorescent multi-colored one piece swimsuit. Who knows what new bikini adventures await her next summer?

Iced tea break

02 Sep 2012 401
Lori keeps fit by hiking the nature trails...and some iced tea makes a nice thirst quencher at the end of a long hike in the park. Maybe we should head for the beach next to cool off...

Little mermaid

26 Aug 2012 1 691
New bikini! Lori saw this sparkly turquoise micro thong bikini and had to have it. "The whole left side is missing...I love it!" she said. Indeed it shows off her nice athletic figure very well. We took these at our "secluded" cove, interrupted only by a lady jogger, who stopped momentarily to admire Lori's posing.

It's greek to me....

19 Aug 2012 3 442
In the style of a Grecian slave tunic, Lori's new mini-dress hides very little of her lithe petite body. "I'd love to wear this to a toga party," she smiled. "It's silky and comfortable, and slips on and off very easily!"

Field of Dreams

03 Jul 2012 2 542
Play ball! Lori and I visited a local ball field for some Fourth of July fun. Michael: "Did you know that Abner Doubleday is said to have invented baseball in 1839?" Lori: "How nice! Did his wife pose for him too?"

Let's go to the park!

18 Mar 2012 7 702
With temperatures in the upper 70's, the park called to us...and as we hiked through the forest, Lori stripped down to her new blue slingshot bikini. I'm glad I had my camera with me!

Lori's valentines surprise

19 Feb 2012 9 4 690
Lori's valentines present...a Breakers one piece thong swimsuit. She opened it up and said "I love it...there's almost nothing to it!" It's cold outside now, but these photos may help you imagine what she'll look like on the beach this summer!

Walk in the park

12 Jan 2012 384
Yesterday, we walked the park in 50 degree temperature and clear skies. Today it's SNOWING! Grrrr.... Oh well. that's Wisconsin...

Speedo Lori

02 Nov 2011 1 1 443
Selected by Lori- Lori said she liked her new Speedo so much she wanted to pose in it again, but was afraid our friends wouldn't want to see it twice. I assured her they wouldn't mind at all.

Sky-high boots

12 Sep 2010 3 2 418
"THESE BOOTS WERE MADE FOR WALKIN'..." Lori finally broke down and bought something other than a bikini- a pair of thigh high boots- "So THIS is what tall is like!!" Hmmm...Would these boots and a tiny white g-string make an interesting ensemble?

27 items in total

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