Jim Boynton's photos

Hate to meet the bird responsible for this.

03 Jun 2015 1 1 335
Have to admit that I just don't appreciate most modern sculpture art.


03 Jun 2015 5 407
Give a guess what this medical tool is before looking below for the answer. Margaret had to have some tests done and the hospital had a medical museum in the lobby. Some really interesting doodads and gadgets from eons ago. It's a wonder anyone ever got well in the early 1900's.

And babies make four...or five.

26 Jun 2015 1 5 589
+3 notes (no flash, so poor quality). Guess the raccoon that has been living in my chimney was a girl. My neighbour called me to inform me that I had raccoon babies coming out of my chimney. He saw four, but I only spotted these two and a third atop the chimney who hadn't decided about the climb down. The window from where I took the other shots of mom resting before climbing into the chimney is just to the right of the shot. Now I know why she rested in this spot for close to an hour every morning. A night of hunting for food followed by a day of feeding little ones must be exhausting. She probably just wanted an hour to herself. All taken from the ground and cropped. 9:30 pm so very little light left. These night creatures are really starting to bug me. I've already given up trying to shoot one of the dozens of wild rabbits I see in the area and last week I spotted our local fox on the street, but as soon as I turned my car towards him to light him up with the headlights he took off...Groan.

Ever get the feeling that you are being watched?

26 Jun 2015 1 3 490
The young ones have ventured outside the chimney finally, but still aren't quite sure-footed yet. This one was gamely trying to navigate its way down when s/he spotted me watching. Wish I could remember that my camera has video at times like this.

Having a snack.

03 Aug 2015 4 9 432
Enjoying a snack in my cat-free backyard.


19 May 2015 5 5 561
The little critter was a tad surprised to find me watching, but stuck around a long time before heading down my chimney to sleep the day away.

'I luv you mommy!'

20 May 2015 3 6 393
Willow being unusually pliant and cuddly.

Heading home...

14 May 2015 1 6 545
...to my chimney! Taken from my balcony indoors, so unfortunately these are heavily cropped. Some cool uncropped ones to come.

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