Blue Box, Red Bollard (HWW,HFF)

Canada and Greenland 2023

Folder: Crusing Travel
A cruise in August 2023. We left and returned to New York. Visited the "maritimes" of eastern Canada, and Greenland.

16 Aug 2023

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167 visits

Blue Box, Red Bollard (HWW,HFF)

Taken during our stop in Halifax, NS. The bitt seems strong enough to hold a ship. The rest of the construction (including the wall) is part of the tie-up area along the harbour. (Square format for Sunday Challenge) Image processed with GIMP.

27 Aug 2023

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86 visits

The Tables Are Ready (HTT,H.A.N.W.E.)

Street scene in St. Johns, Newfoundland. Our cruise stopped for a Sunday in this lovely port. Nothing much was open, but later in the day the main street was jumping (screech anyone?) I really liked the paint job on the Commercial Chambers building. So these tables aren't in use, but they are ready. Didn't expect that I would be taking "street photographs", but the fellow on the left had some business or other here, so he became part of the street scene. Image processed with GIMP.

27 Aug 2023

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189 visits

Street and Bench (HFF,HBM)

The street where our ship was tied up. This is one of the major streets in St. Johns, Newfoundland. It is quiet now, but later in the day, there was a constant stream of cars, motorcycles, and trucks passing by. The security fence had only one opening, so we all passed through the covered area going one way or the other. Some of the local folks brought their huge Newfie dogs to the port; very interesting. The tanker truck near the right is fueling up the ship. The busses are for the shore excursions. There are a few specks of orange/red color to liven things up. Note the bench across the street. Image processed with GIMP.