4014 Pass-By (BW)


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The photography I originally tried was all black and white. Color was expensive. Digital cameras are a great way to try monochrome, and for me, the best has been the Monochrome-L mode for the Panasonic GX85 Lumix (available in other Panasonic models, too).

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25 Jan 2020

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4014 Pass-By (BW)

D'Hanis Texas, November 4, 2019. We had seen this remarkable locomotive in action in Iowa the previous August. Fortunately, we were in the area in November, so we set up in the old downtown area of D'Hanis. The people were great, and it is a very nice small town. The school children were taken to the viewing area, and they were waving American Flags as the train passed by. Frame captured from the 4K stream recorded on the Panasonic GX85 using ffmpeg, and then processed with GIMP, mostly to make it monochrome, and to bring out the details of the machinery and wheels. This locomotive tends to be run around 45 miles per hour, so there is just a little bit of movement in this capture. (Sunday Challenge, 4 December 2022: I didn't see the email with the topic, so guessed from current submissions that you wanted a monochrome image. A 1940's vintage machine like this certainly looks quite impressive in black and white.) See swansonphotos.com/4014

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25 Jan 2020

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4014 Big Boy Pass-By (BW)

D'Hanis Texas, November 4, 2019 Frame captured from 4K stream taken with the Panasonic GX85, using ffmpeg. Image then processed with GIMP, especially to make it monochrome. See swansonphotos.com/4014

28 Nov 2016

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Machine (BW)

The gears of a machine at the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney, Australia. It is a steam-powered printing press. This is a "tool", indeed a very important one in the history of the world. While the original hand-operated presses appeared in mid-1400's, the effect of the printing press is still being felt today in 2023. The historical researcher Elizabeth Eisenstein makes the point that society is still trying to deal with the impact of this invention. The original photo is in color, but I kinda liked the converted image. The conversion was done with GIMP. The photo was taken with the Panasonic GX85.

21 Oct 2007

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Bamboo Forest (BW)

We took a long weekend and flew from Maui to Honolulu. One of the photo opportunities we took was a visit to a bamboo forest at the Wahiawa Botanical Garden on Oah'u. While swatting mosquitoes, we got some good photos. This looks OK in color, but I like it more, after converting to monochrome. Taken in 2007 using the Nikon D50. Image processed with UFRaw and GIMP. For more photos, see: swansonphotos.com/oahu_2007.html

21 Oct 2007

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'Dinosaur' Tree (BW)

Taken at the Wahiawa Botanical Garden on Oah'u during our 2007 long weekend visit. These trees were quite impressive, with their trunks looking like the thighs of dinosaurs. The image seemed to look better to me in monochrome. Taken with the Nikon D50 and processed with GIMP and UFRaw. For more photos, see: swansonphotos.com/oahu_2007.html

15 Sep 2014

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Rusty Bell (BW)

Taken at the Utah State Railroad Museum in Ogden, Utah, in 2014. This is the bell on a diesel locomotive. They had to put the bells lower down on these, unlike steam locomotives where the bell was right on the front on top. I converted the image to monochrome using GIMP. See: swansonphotos.com/ogden/ogden_rail.html

15 Sep 2014

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Railroad Tools (BW)

Taken at the Utah State Railroad Museum in Ogden, Utah, in 2014. I converted the image to monochrome with GIMP. See: swansonphotos.com/ogden/ogden_rail.html

20 Dec 2019

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Allure of the Seas (BW)

During our December 2019 cruise, we stopped at Costa Maya, Mexico. While we perhaps thought that our cruise ship was large, the "Allure of the Seas" is a monster. Looked better in monochrome, so I used GIMP to make the changes. (Does look better on a black background) See: swansongrp.com/P/p and swansonphotos.com/riviera1

25 Sep 2020

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Arc and Building

The "Arc" is a public art project in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The "arc" spans the river, but is not complete at the top, so it is not an "arch". Image converted to monochrome and processed with GIMP.
14 items in total