4014 Pass-By

Union Pacific 4014 Locomotive (Big Boy)

Folder: Railroad Photos
This steam locomotive is the largest ever built (1,000,000 pounds with tender). This series ran from early 1940's into the 1960's, when steam was removed from the Union Pacific system. This particular locomotive (4014) was given to a railroad society in Southern California, and displayed in static at the Los Angeles County Fairgrounds, Pomona, California from the 1960's onward. As a teenager growi…  (read more)

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25 Jan 2020

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4014 Pass-By

D'Hanis Texas, November 4, 2019 See swansonphotos.com/4014

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25 Jan 2020

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4014 Pass-By (BW)

D'Hanis Texas, November 4, 2019. We had seen this remarkable locomotive in action in Iowa the previous August. Fortunately, we were in the area in November, so we set up in the old downtown area of D'Hanis. The people were great, and it is a very nice small town. The school children were taken to the viewing area, and they were waving American Flags as the train passed by. Frame captured from the 4K stream recorded on the Panasonic GX85 using ffmpeg, and then processed with GIMP, mostly to make it monochrome, and to bring out the details of the machinery and wheels. This locomotive tends to be run around 45 miles per hour, so there is just a little bit of movement in this capture. (Sunday Challenge, 4 December 2022: I didn't see the email with the topic, so guessed from current submissions that you wanted a monochrome image. A 1940's vintage machine like this certainly looks quite impressive in black and white.) See swansonphotos.com/4014

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25 Jan 2020

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4014 Big Boy Pass-By

D'Hanis Texas, November 4, 2019 Frame taken from Panasonic GX85 continuous 4K stream, using ffmpeg. Image then processed with GIMP. See swansonphotos.com/4014

25 Jan 2020

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Linkage in Action, 4014 Big Boy Locomotive

D'Hanis Texas, November 4, 2019 This is a frame captured from the continuous 4K stream from my Panasonic GX85 camera. The frame was captured with "ffmpeg" and then edited with GIMP. This is the linkage for the drive wheels of the UP4014 "Big Boy" locomotive. The blur of action shows it as the train passed us in D'Hanis. See swansonphotos.com/4014

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25 Jan 2020

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4014 Big Boy Pass-By (BW)

D'Hanis Texas, November 4, 2019 Frame captured from 4K stream taken with the Panasonic GX85, using ffmpeg. Image then processed with GIMP, especially to make it monochrome. See swansonphotos.com/4014

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25 Jan 2020

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Last Car with FRED

D'Hanis Texas, November 4, 2019 I try to capture an image of the FRED (tail end device used by the railroads to monitor trains), whenever I take train photos. Worked out very well this time. The 4014 was pulling a short train that included passenger cars, power cars (to provide electricity for the passenger cars), and a road diesel (for signaling and as a backup in case of engine failure). See swansonphotos.com/4014
Passby Video of the UP4014 (Big Boy) Train, D'Hanis, Texas

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25 Jan 2020

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Passby Video of the UP4014 (Big Boy) Train, D'Hanis, Texas

Pass-by of the Union Pacific 4014 Locomotive (Big Boy) at D'Hanis, Texas, on November 4, 2019. Note the school children waving American Flags. This is a very nice small town, and the people were friendly and helpful. Taken with the Panasonic GX85 and 20mm lens. On tripod, then processed with ffmpeg and openshot. See swansonphotos.com/4014

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25 Jan 2020

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Comin' at Ya

We were fortunate to be in Texas when the Union Pacific 4014 locomotive (Big Boy) was passing through. We set up our camera in the lovely small town of D'Hanis and caught this scene as the train approached. Image captured from Panasonic Lumix GX85 4K frame series with ffmpeg, and procssed with GIMP (including cropping to a square format). See: swansonphotos.com/4014

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25 Jan 2020

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Comin' at Ya

We were fortunate to be in Texas when the Union Pacific 4014 locomotive (Big Boy) was passing through. We set up our camera in the lovely small town of D'Hanis and caught this scene as the train approached. Image captured from Panasonic Lumix GX85 4K frame series with ffmpeg, and procssed with GIMP. See: swansonphotos.com/4014
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