Cornish Garden.

400 + views

Vulture flight school ('Keep up at the back!')

09 May 2014 50 73 1432
***'Watch the Master and learn!'*** Griffon Vultures, Cancho de La Bola, Sierra de La Cabrera. Granite. Madrid Province This one again (first shown on ipernity in 2016), simply because it is a favourite of mine.

Blowhole at Tubby's Head

04 Aug 2012 28 24 787
St Agnes' district, Cornwall, August 2012

Graffiti and girlfriend

03 Apr 2013 30 48 957
Calle San Andres, Malasana District, Madrid and girlfriend in familiar pose.

Madrid street art. 'Siesta' by Sam3

05 Feb 2013 36 41 869
Without my notes to this shot, stolen unexpectedly by Google, I'm afraid I no longer have the details of the artist and related info. Very sorry and not a little bit annoyed! UPDATE on 11/04/18: Thanks to ipernity member, Jim Kerslake, I can now name the artist and the piece: "Siesta" by Sam3 - Many thanks, Jim!

Ralph's Cupboard.

14 Aug 2014 32 43 987
Coastal Erosion at Ralph's Cupboard, Portreath, Cornwall. Not the cleverest place to stand and take a shot, I grant you! Not much time left:

HFF! Carn Marth, Cornwall - view towards Carharra…

02 Sep 2011 32 44 754
Not the happiest HFF but who knows? Maybe a gate will open onto sunnier places and times!!

Spanish Lavender, Sierra de La Cabrera

02 Jun 2015 41 56 743
Please give as generously as you can:

Oh, the thoughts we think! Sepulveda, Segovia prov…

17 Sep 2013 39 55 858
La Puerta de La Fuerza.

Patones de Arriba

22 Mar 2015 30 42 951
Close to Madrid but centuries away. On Z please. Last chance to save this site.

Spring in Algete, Madrid province, May 2016.

20 May 2016 28 38 667
The grass is green and the spring flowers are doing their thing. But this lasts for 3 weeks at most. The rest of the year the country here is brown, yellow and burnt.

St Agnes Beacon, Heather and Gorse

08 Aug 2011 57 69 959
Another re-post, this time one more shot from 2011. View towards the expansive beach at Perranporth (in the far distance!). A fire in July 2017 sadly destroyed the vegetation on The Beacon. But it will recover in a few years.

Penryn, Cornwall - a typically cloudy summer's day…

05 Aug 2015 39 54 885
Lower Market Street, Penryn. Now a sleepy backwater, Penryn was one of the major market towns of Cornwall in times gone by.

View from my (very occasional) bedroom window, ear…

12 Aug 2014 34 51 1030
Dawn, August 2014. St Day, Cornwall. Well, it's still my bedroom window even if I haven't spent more than 10 nights here in the past 5 years! The building in front is the annexe to my parents house. It comprises a good sized ground floor kitchen and on the upper floor bedrooms and a bathroom. This annexe used to be a temporary bedding down place for tin miners who had worked a late shift; the property being in the possession of a tin mine captain. Poldice Valley seen in the distance and with a chimney just visible, was a world centre of arsenic mining and production. Even today, 150 years later , nothing grows there and certainly no houses can be be built on the poisoned land. The life expectancy of the miners was horrendous! Not all Cornwall is romantic!!!

Between Porthcadjack and Basset Cove

04 Aug 2012 33 41 1002
A horrible day, weatherwise but later it turned out absolutely gloriously. In England (and more specifically Cornwall) "you don't get climate, you get weather" This is part of a shoreline walk / scramble / rock hop I have done many times and enjoy immensely.

Wherever I lay my hat ... is my home. PLEASE STAY,…

04 May 2015 23 33 657
Sierra de La Cabrera, Valle de Bustarviejo. May 2015, (not January 2014 as per the incorrect exif!)

Shortlands Station from the road below. On Z pleas…

20 Nov 2016 37 44 778
Shortlands Station. South East London. I visited my brother briefly last year and took this after exiting (amazingly steadily) from the Shortlands Pub.

Sea carrot on a misty day.

01 Aug 2012 43 43 979
The day started out foggy and ended up in brilliant sunshine. This was early on but there were signs of the fog lifting. Sea carrot is in the same family (the parsley family) as carrots but I have no idea if any part of it is edible.

Abantos and San Lorenzo de El Escorial from the He…

03 Nov 2015 18 19 710
A fine autumn day, November, 2015

1016 items in total