Cornish Garden.

400 + views

To help the 2 people who pass this way once a year…

06 May 2012 48 33 449
There is a route of sorts here. It is more fun that the lower path you can see below. I know who set up this carn. I was walking in another part of the Sierra a few months after this shot and saw a young (to me ) chap making a similar carn. He saw me and we exchanged Spanglish pleasantries and walked together for a few hours and chatted away. I met him a couple of times later in the Sierra as well, once with his wife and once when I was with my girlfriend (one of only two visits to these mountains with me!). Turns out he was (maybe still is - I've lost touch recently) the mayor of Valdemanco. Although young (maybe 28-30?), he was a bright spark if ever there was one! And I wasn't surprised that the village elders trusted him!

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

09 Jul 2012 34 37 470
Gurnard's Head, Zennor Coast, Cornwall

Ralph and Heather, for Pam.

24 Aug 2014 39 25 448
I have posted a few shots of Ralph's Cupboard before now but not one with heather as well.

North Cliffs, coastal erosion and heather.

10 Aug 2018 44 25 455
Very recent rock fall here. I used to stroll over what is now sweet fanny adams! For Pam!


21 Sep 2016 36 24 676
Salamanca from our hotel rooftop terrace. 3 important churches (or cathedrals or monasteries or convents and probably they all were or still are all of these at one time or another!) and the old university, Spain's oldest.

La Sierra de La Cabrera

25 Feb 2012 16 13 564
From near the town of La Cabrera itself. The start of a steep and interestingly challenging ascent. The paths at the other end of the ridge are longer, steeper in parts but not so eroded and risky.

North Cliffs from The Knavocks, for Pam.

09 Aug 2018 46 28 556
I took a few shots on this walk and coast path as the sky was splendid and changing just enough to make each shot ever so slightly different.

Greenbank Cove

22 Jul 2012 53 28 551
Cornwall. Calm ocean waters. All this is at low tide and completely covered at high tide. The rocks are covered in mussels. Sight and sound.

1016 items in total