More splendid granite walking country.

On Virtual Explore

Men-an-Tol (holed stone)

03 Aug 2017 28 42 923
Unknown purpose. Presumed to be neolithic. Healing powers were attributed to it at least since the middle ages (babies would be passed through the hole). Near Lanyon Farm, Madron parish, Cornwall.

Autumn shot

05 Nov 2015 55 49 757
Pyrennean Oak, Autumn, El Escorial.

Penberth Cove

08 Aug 2015 20 19 699
Penberth Cove, Cornwall. Lobster pot.

Godrevy coast, Cornwall

14 Aug 2014 41 50 667
Mutton Cove below, is a famous seal beaching place. In the distance is St Ives Bay and the peninsula of West Penwith. Shot taken from Reskajeage. Best on z.

Lizard Point, Cornwall. For Marie-france.

10 Aug 2011 39 57 625
Marie-france reminded me that the geology of Ouessant (Ushant in English), an island off the far west coast of Brittany, is the same as that of the Lizard Peninsula in Cornwall. The geology of this area is very mixed. This shot is of Lizard Point. It may or may not have the same geology as Ouessant. Marie-france, does it look like this? If not, I'll try and get more photos next time I go there (possibly next month) from a different area geologically but still on The Lizard!. Although forgive me if I don't go to Coverack, they'll still be cleaning up after the flood! Best wishes, Andy

Mar de Cristal Metro Station, Madrid

05 Mar 2012 33 46 871
Typical of the Madrid metro designs in its great expansive phase from about 1995 to the onset of the recession and, deliberately over-edited by me, this represents a positive, thrusting, energetic attitude that faltered somewhat when the recession struck. However the legacy has left a metro network that, in large parts. exudes a dynamic upbeat feel that is very seductive. It still needs to be paid for, however!

Between Porthcadjack and Basset Cove

04 Aug 2012 33 41 1002
A horrible day, weatherwise but later it turned out absolutely gloriously. In England (and more specifically Cornwall) "you don't get climate, you get weather" This is part of a shoreline walk / scramble / rock hop I have done many times and enjoy immensely.

Barleyfield, North Cliffs, Cornwall

04 Aug 2012 70 75 1290
The cliffs and the sea are one foot behind me.

Still guarding the pass. An old friend.

20 May 2017 39 37 942
El Cancho Largo, Sierra de La Cabrera, Madrid province.

Granite. Torre de Valdemanco, Sierra de La Cabrera

20 May 2017 43 60 1025
Amazingly, my first walk in the Sierra de La Cabrera since December 2015! And it hasn't changed a bit!

St Agnes' Head, Cornwall

29 Jul 2014 23 21 497
Shot taken from near the end of St Agnes' Head itself.

Shortlands Station from the road below. On Z pleas…

20 Nov 2016 37 44 778
Shortlands Station. South East London. I visited my brother briefly last year and took this after exiting (amazingly steadily) from the Shortlands Pub.

Twins. Cistus, or jara, Sierra de La Cabrera

25 May 2013 52 57 1176
Covering the hillsides in late April and May. Central and southern Spain and Portugal.

Poppies. Algete, Spain, May 2016.

04 May 2016 95 111 1581
Madrid Province. Very close to the capital! On the horizon, La Sierra de La Cabrera.

Wheal Coates tin mine from Tubby's Head, Cornwall.…

04 Aug 2014 68 87 1625
St Agnes' Heritage Coast, August 2014. Granite cliffs (and rock samphire in the foreground).

West Penwith. Cornwall, August 2015. PLEASE STAY,…

04 Aug 2015 20 37 683
View towards Bosigran, Rosemergy, Pendeen Watch and Morvah from the lower slopes of Carn Galva. The granite field-walls (called 'hedges' in Cornwall) seen here in the middle distance, and present in much of the coastal-shelf areas of West Penwith are reputed to be the oldest 'continuously used - for their original purpose - man made structures anywhere on Earth'.

Happy Fence Friday!!! PLEASE STAY, DON'T RUN AWAY!…

19 Apr 2014 33 48 809
Taken in Spring 2014, please ignore the exif date - always wrong in this camera and no one has been able to fix it! This is an area due for complete redevelopment. It lies between the Four Towers and Chamartin Station and has been an eyesore since the beginning of the recession (except for a few weeks in Spring!). I did have to remove a few beer cans and empty cigarette packets first!

Porthcadjack, with Samphire and Asparagus Islands…

04 Aug 2012 45 60 1021
A favourite low tide walk / scramble. Cornwall north coast.

216 items in total