The roses suddenly came out all at once!

Urban shots

Nuevos Ministerios, Madrid

05 Oct 2018 9 3 107
The only statue of Franco in Madrid (and an equestrian one at that) stood here or very near here. One night in 2004, the authorities quietly removed it.

Street art and the Four Towers, Madrid (just reali…

18 Jun 2018 11 4 238
Superior street art, commissioned by the town hall and now painted over with inferior stuff (I think this original artwork had been commissioned for a year only).

Evening light

27 Jul 2019 8 7 187
Nuevos Ministerios and Azca, Madrid

Goya metro station, Madrid

29 Apr 2012 7 2 141
Showing examples of some of the artist's more ghoulish and morbid moments in his art (and there were many).

HFF, everyone!

26 Sep 2019 18 33 422
A new walk for me but a typical one on the way to another class in a business park, this time in Alcobendas, near Madrid.

Storm imminent.

14 Sep 2019 17 10 239
Hospital de Maudes, Madrid. In fact the storm had swirled about and come and gone a couple of times that day but this third revisit turned out to be the big one. I got home just in time!

Puente de Toledo, Madrid

12 Sep 2019 11 7 191
Looking down to the Rio Manzanares (almost dry at this time of year) and towards the Millennium Bridge. This is a new walkway and pedestrian area following the river. 15 years ago this was a motorway but it has been cleverly buried beneath the river.

Sol mainline station, Madrid

20 Apr 2012 11 4 263
Sol station was on the original Metro line 1 (100 years anniversary this year). I knew it well from the 1980s. When I came to teach in Madrid 25 years later, I wasn't aware that it had also become a mainline station and a new line linked the termini of Chamartin in the north and Atocha in the south. If I'd been aware of it I could have saved 100s of hours of unpaid travel time! DOH!

Chinchon rooftops, Madrid Province

Storm about to break.

14 Sep 2019 17 12 241
Hospital de Maudes.

Crane choreography possibly courtesy of La Cirque…

10 Sep 2019 7 4 186
A building site in Rios Rosas, Chamberí. Madrid.

Buitrago de Lozoya. Madrid Province.

22 Sep 2016 10 5 200
It's a touristy place but eerily empty midweek in September.

Four Towers, Chamartin and grafitti, and HIBIO! HE…

08 May 2018 9 8 153 Sight and sound.

Colmenar de Oreja. Iglesia Parroquial Santa María…

25 Apr 2016 12 4 163
Intriguing mural crossing the wall from just above the door.

St Ives

13 Aug 2015 8 7 190
The sun has caught the harbour nicely here. In the distance is Godrevy lighthouse. It's is a view to the lighthoiuse from Talland, a large house not all that far from here that inspired Virginia Woolfe to write "To the Lighthouse", although the book is actually set in Scotland. Sight and Sound (no reason except that I understand from a recent "silly season" Times article that there were only 8 recorded Nigels born last year in the UK and yet I know or knew very many, two of whom lived in St Ives in the 70s and 80s. Naming fashions change very quickly!).

Another dawn to wake up to!

24 Nov 2012 31 25 276
I knew I was lucky and I knew it wouldn't last. This was in 2012. I think I've seen maybe 2 spectacular sunrises or sunsets since then!

A re-visit to last year's theme of sponsored stree…

26 Jun 2018 8 6 285
Chamartin Station car park on derelict land and the Four Towers. Sight and sound; A totaly stupid video and a nonsensical song but I found it very catchy!

HFF everyone! (Yes, there IS a fence there!)

29 Oct 2012 45 47 542
Tres Cantos railway station and reflections in the windows of the Siemens offices where I used to give classes. (And I think I can see my reflection too!). According to John Fitzgerald; "It's stunning on black!" Sight and sound and one of the best ever sub 3 minute pop songs, on a par with The Undertones' 'Teenage Kicks' (And also the best MIMED performance I think I have ever seen!)

500 items in total