The roses suddenly came out all at once!

Urban shots

Colmenar de Oreja, Madrid Province

25 Apr 2016 18 22 417
The main Plaza, getting ready for the annual fiesta with bullfights. I don't know what the T represents.

HFF everyone!!

09 Sep 2018 26 43 437
Another view from the rooftop terrace bar. On the horizon, the Sierra de Guadarrama.

Casa de Los Lujanes and La Plaza de La Villa. (for…

11 Sep 2018 15 13 287
The oldest house in Madrid. The oldest door is a little way down the narrow alley way on the left of the tower (you can just see the right-hand white surround). This square was the old market and meeting place in mediaeval Madrid. The Lujanes family were the local bigwigs in the 14th and 15th centuries. This was before Madrid became important. Earlier Kings and Queens of Castilla had sometimes held court here but it was a small provincial town compared to the royal cities of Valladolid, Burgos and Toledo. Only when Phillip II decided to make Madrid one of his more permanent residences, did its central position in the Peninsula seem obvious for a centralized beaurocracy to govern Spain and an empire. From the late 16th century onwards the population of Madrid increased exponentially I caught a lucky break between the streams of guided tours but I had to wait ages for it!

Gran Via, Madrid

09 Sep 2018 14 16 184
The hotel roof terrace, looking the other way.

Hotel rooftop terrace bar overlooking Madrid to th…

09 Sep 2018 46 41 364
This is taken from a hotel rooftop on the Gran Via, in Madrid's centre. (Don't even think about buying a g 'n' t there!)

The oldest door in Madrid

20 Jul 2016 24 27 831
By the side of La Torre de Los Lujanes, dated mid to late 15th century. Possibly earlier as there is still some Moorish influence there. Shot taken in a very narrow alleyway. Camera to one side of head as I squeezed right back against the opposite wall. I couldn't see what I was taking. Pure guesswork and the first take was the one!

Habitations of some sort.

20 Aug 2016 20 23 316
I think they are still lived in. Miranda del Castanar, Sierra de Francia, Segovia province.

Fountain at night.

12 Nov 2012 7 7 235
Hoyo de Manzanares, Madrid Province

Alcala de Henares, arched gateway.

18 Mar 2012 13 13 177
Originally the major Roman settlement (Complutensis) in what is now the Madrid area, and situated approx 10 miles east of the modern city, Alcala de Henares was the early university centre and houses the (excellent) archaeological museum for Madrid Province. The vast Ciudad Universitaria (University City) complex in Northwest Madrid is named Complutense in honour of the original university here and after its original Roman name. It is also one of the places that claims Cervantes as its son.

Turegano, and lunch was a necessity

24 Aug 2018 10 19 239
Unfortunately this place, which was highly rated, had had a recent change of ownership and the service was awful and the food only marginally better!

Turegano (Segovia province), its castle, a bl..dy…

24 Aug 2018 11 19 478
Turegano was an important town many years ago but it suffered population decline along with all the lesser towns and cities of Spain. Now it is just the castle ruins that keep it on the tourist trail.

A back street in Chinchon

25 Apr 2016 16 22 220
Chinchon, Madrid Province is very pretty and very touristy. I visited on a Monday in April, so it was pleasantly tourist-horde free.

Villaverde Bajo railway station, Madrid

27 Aug 2015 14 11 266
I used to come here fairly regularly to take a company class and later a private class nearby. Occasionally I felt the urge to take a shot or two.

Street art, Madrid

08 Dec 2012 22 22 242
Another in a series by Sam 3. All three are in the same housing estate. I posted this one a while ago:

Jardin del Principe de Anglona

12 Apr 2013 19 18 310
A tiny 18th century garden in the heart of old Madrid, restored in the 1990s and 2000s.

Street art, Madrid

08 Dec 2012 16 14 356
A famous artist but I have lost the details. Someone helped me out before with another of his works of art. I will try and find the notes and edit this description when I do. OK, done. The artist is Sam 3. Thanks again Jim Kerslake.

No. 4

07 Oct 2013 18 12 518
Old door in Maderuelo, Segovia Province. Night shot.

HFF Everyone! The through train. And I have to…

14 Apr 2013 34 44 589
Principe Pio mainline and metro station, Madrid Sight and sound: For no other reason than I love Janis Joplin, just as I love the voices of Amy Winehouse, Aretha Franklin, Bessie smith, Joni Mitchell, Maggie Bell, Billie Holliday and Patti Smith, among many others. And maybe because these wonderful heartfelt and expressive voices need to be sung out in railway stations, shopping malls and government institutions (shades of Cuckoos Nest perhaps). On second thoughts I'm rambling on and it's long past my bed time!

500 items in total