HFF! Water Tower photo exhibition.

Central Spain

HFF everyone! One of my daily walks (about once a…

17 Sep 2020 57 68 365
Plaza de Olavides, Madrid (an octagonal 'square'!)

Recent nostalgia.

20 Feb 2020 37 39 248
Not a mask to be seen. Atocha Station, Madrid.

Estadio Santiago Bernabéu. Works.

15 Sep 2020 33 34 256
It looks like the roof supports are in place, at least on this side.

Rock window

13 Sep 2013 41 30 260
Sierra de La Cabrera granite. There are a number of great rock windows in this granite sierra.

Ephemeral shadow wearing real shoes?

10 Sep 2020 29 36 233
Accident of course! This ghostly shadow seems to prefer real shoes!

H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

15 Jun 2012 40 36 309
Cantueso. The name of this lavender variety. It used to be thought of as the same as a similar-looking Provençal variety; it looks the same. But DNA profiling proved it was distinct. By the way, the two top 'petals' are in fact modified leaves. ADDED NOTE: It seems I was misinformed. This Wilki link is more accurate and up-tp-date! es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavandula_stoechas

HFF everyone!

30 Mar 2012 36 44 256
Somosaguas Centro, Metro Ligero (Metro light) station, by La Finca Business Park, where I taught many hours a week at one time.

Rio Manzanares Walkway and the Teleférico de Madri…

15 Oct 2012 26 20 194
A pleasing walk along Madrid's River. They sank a motorway below it and freed up the surface to make this totally pedestrian riverside park.


07 Sep 2020 33 29 258
Why this sign is in English totally beats me! I doubt if many of the construction workers speak it all that much! Pleased to see everyone wearing masks. I will take a break from these Stadium / cranes shots for a while and resume when anything more interesting happens, such as the roof finally going on.

Parque del Oeste, Madrid

06 Sep 2020 30 20 208
Possibly my favourite Madrid park.

Faro de Moncloa and Museo de America, Madrid

06 Sep 2020 37 29 235
Not sure what the purpose of the lighthouse is but there is (or maybe was - thanks to Covid 19 and acess only by lift) a restaurant up there. On the ground are two of the few remaining sections of track from the old tramway system.

Ongoing. H. A. N. W. E. everyone.

03 Sep 2020 34 24 266
The continuing 'improvements' to Estadio Santiago Bernabéu.

HFF! Uncovered historic waterway.

18 Aug 2020 34 42 213
Every century or so as Madrid expanded after becoming the capital of Spain, water was needed in ever greater amounts and the mountains to the north supplied it. This is an 18th century ruin showing one of the periodic attempts to keep up with the insatiable demand for water.

Foggy day throughout the centre of Spain that day.

10 Dec 2011 48 31 240
I set out on the bus from Madrid in thick fog. I started my walk thinking I had a one in ten chance of emerging through the mirk! So was overjoyed when I did!

Hospital de Maudes, Madrid

19 Aug 2020 40 30 239
This is the main front. I don't think I've taken it from this position before. I understand that this section is actually a church. For historic info in the notes to other shots of it, here is my album: www.ipernity.com/doc/2247598/album/1277734

From another corner of the stadium - ongoing build…

26 Aug 2020 30 22 230
Estadio Santiago Bernabéu, Real Madrid Football Club.

I just liked this modern style and the colours..

29 Aug 2020 36 22 219
On a walk yesterday. Vallehermoso, Madrid.

Tribunal Constitucional

29 Aug 2020 38 42 221
Built in 1980 by Francisco González Valdés and destined to be the Head Offices of the Spanish Medical Council. But the Medical Council couldn't adapt to the circular design and so they declined to use the building. Instead it was occupied by the court / tribunal dealing with constitutional affairs and disputes, and therefore an important institution in Spanish politics. This building is often seen on the news. Unlike most such places, this is some way away from the political centre, being on the edge of the vast Universitaria complex.

1838 items in total