Godrevy, for Pam.

Photos for Pam - 100 + photos, mainly of Cornwall, because as Pam herself once told me; "That is where my heart is!"

In support of Pam J in her recovery programmes and a sincere wish for a quick and total return to normality!

La Sierra de La Cabrera in fog.

10 Dec 2011 26 21 328
Las Agujas de El Cancho Gordo silhouetted against the fog.

H. A. N. W. E. everyone! From the path to Fishing…

24 Aug 2012 39 41 612
You can see the start of the cliff path near the top of the photo. It's perfectly safe. Godrevy and Hell's Mouth coast, Cornwall. For Pam.

Mountain stream and rosemary, for Pam.

14 Apr 2013 14 10 350
A babbling brook under the rosemary. Please on 'z' and full screen.

Greenbank Cove, for Pam

04 Aug 2012 35 20 448
The rain held off and it turned into a fine day.

Choppy waters

03 Aug 2012 24 12 265
Tubby's Head, Cornwall. For Pam.

North Cliffs, looking towards Naxrax Point

09 Aug 2018 42 29 573
Reskajeage, Godrevy Coast, Cornwall. For Pam.

Porthcadjack, for Pam!

22 Jul 2012 48 31 701
A summery Cornish shot!


18 Jul 2012 19 16 490
Saint Day garden. Something tells me this door isn't much used!

Basset Cove and Crane Islands at high tide. (for P…

09 Aug 2018 30 9 389
I tried to upload the edited version but, as sometimes happens, the unedited version came through. I decided to keep it as the wonky horizon is only obvious for a short stretch!

La Sierra de La Cabrera

10 Jun 2013 32 16 393
Canchos Largo, Gordo and de La Bola on the ridge, The Convento Monasterio de San Julien and San Antonio mid-distance and broom and lavender in the foreground. Granite throughout!

Navrax Point, Godrevy Coast, for Pam.

09 Aug 2018 38 20 383
You can see the path down but there isn't much to see there so I have only ever gone down there once.

Rockpool, Greenbank Cove, for Pam.

Harbour scene

02 Aug 2012 30 15 327
Penzance Harbour, for Pam.

Cornwall coastal scene

05 Aug 2012 15 12 355
Mutton Cove and Godrevy, for Pam.

Coastal erosion

27 Aug 2012 20 11 409
Crane Islands from Crane Castle, North Cliffs. For Pam.

Asparagus Island from Porthcadjack

North Cliffs, above Basset Cove, for Pam.

04 Aug 2012 38 20 449
Very typical of the summer scenery around here! H. A . N. W. E. everyone!

Tubby's Head, for Pam.

10 Aug 2014 22 9 428
Looking across to St Agnes Head, Cornwall.

690 items in total