Godrevy, for Pam.

Photos for Pam - 100 + photos, mainly of Cornwall, because as Pam herself once told me; "That is where my heart is!"

In support of Pam J in her recovery programmes and a sincere wish for a quick and total return to normality!

It wasn't misty a few minutes before!

15 Aug 2015 16 10 339
Carn Galva, Carn Galver tin mine, The Count House and Rosemergy Farm. Commando Ridge can just be seen too. The weather can change here in the blink of an eye. My car was down there and I recall driving home in thick fog!

Spanish Lavender

15 Jun 2012 33 22 299
It looks exactly the same as Provencal lavender but DNA profile has shown it to be a different variety found only in central and southwestern Spain and Portugal. For Pam.

Tubby's Head, for Pam.

10 Aug 2014 38 23 385
Tubby's Head, St Agnes Heritage Coast, Cornwall, England, The United Kingdom, Europe, The Planet Earth, The Galaxy, The Universe, and whatever comes after that and it has nothing whatsoever to do with the complete and utter arses at Google.

The Silvery Sea

16 Aug 2014 50 33 734
Porthcadjack. Samphire and Asparagus Islands prominent. Cornwall coast, about halfway between Portreath and Basset Cove, for those of you who miss geo tagging! For Pam. Unedited. I have lost the hard drive of my old computer and although the external hard drive seems to be OK and it is where my photos are, I can't associate it with my new laptop. Google has dumped Picasa, so my editing tool has gone. I had it on my old computer but that is history. How does Picmonkey work? Until I am able to associate my external hard drive with my new laptop, I will have a limited supply of uploads, and no new photos for a while.

Porthcadjack, for Pam.

09 Aug 2018 32 21 512
I'm pleased I hadn't yet deleted these 2018 Cornwall pics from my phone. I was on the verge of doing so! Unedited for the reasons mentioned before.

Coudn't resist one last shot of General de Gaulle…

04 Aug 2018 51 27 501
Carn Gloose (or Gluze), near Cape Ciornwall, West Penwith, Cornwall, South West Peninsula coast Path. The light conditions and cloud effects were a little bit odd that day. This should be mapped as was quite clearly on GPS. Maybe teething trouble with the new mapping service?

Wild peonies, monastery and Canchos Largo, Gordo…

25 May 2013 22 15 383
Spring in the Siera de La Cabrera - spring greenery and granite.

Splash! Tubby's Head.

01 Aug 2015 36 20 396
I could watch the waves here for hours, especially when the blowholes are operating (not on this day sadly") Please view on large.

St Agnes Head and heather, for Pam.

01 Aug 2015 34 21 536
Bright light that day. Frustratingly my old Motorolo E digital didn't have geo-positioning so I can`t do as requested. I fear this will apply to at least half my uploads.

Wild lupin - electric blue

25 May 2013 22 9 265
You get white and pink wild lupins here too but these are the stand-out ones as far as I'm concerned. Sierra de La Cabrera.,.

Lavender, cistus and granite

02 Jun 2013 40 27 428
Sierra de La Cabrera, Mondalindo and the Bustarviejo Valley. A late spring show with the last of the snow still visible in the distance.

Pink - grey Cornish granite, deep blue Atlantic an…

08 Aug 2015 36 17 572
The walk on the clifftop between Logan Rock and Penberth Cove. Thoroughly recommended!

Can you spot the farm in there?

11 Aug 2016 12 15 335
Inhospitable granite farmland. La Pedriza, Sierra de La Guadarrama, Madrid Province.

Penberth coast granite

08 Aug 2015 27 17 688
Lonely yacht and deep blue sea. For Pam. I have no editing tool at the moment and this is therefore as seen. Yes, the sea really was this blue! And I think I got a straight horizon as well, Keith!

Rose (Daniel Gelin)

08 May 2016 18 11 244
Rose garden, Parque de El Buen Retiro, Madrid.

Sierra de La Cabrera with Mondalindo as a backdrop…

01 May 2012 29 18 332
I still don't know what this tower was for but as it stands directly over a (recently disused) railway, tunnelled under the mountains, I suspect it was a smoke vent, maybe.

Rock pool - crystal clear waters.

22 Jul 2012 21 12 456
Basset Cove, Cornwall. For Pam.

Tubby's Head. For Pam.

24 Jul 2012 41 19 360
North Cornish Coast. The waves weren't particularly high but a stiff wind made for some nice effects!

690 items in total