Porthcadjack. H. A. N. W. E. everyone!

Coasts, mainly Cornwall

Rockpool, Greenbank Cove, for Pam.

Navrax Point, Godrevy Coast, for Pam.

09 Aug 2018 38 20 383
You can see the path down but there isn't much to see there so I have only ever gone down there once.

Basset Cove and Crane Islands at high tide. (for P…

09 Aug 2018 30 9 388
I tried to upload the edited version but, as sometimes happens, the unedited version came through. I decided to keep it as the wonky horizon is only obvious for a short stretch!

Porthcadjack, for Pam!

22 Jul 2012 48 31 701
A summery Cornish shot!

North Cliffs, looking towards Naxrax Point

09 Aug 2018 42 29 571
Reskajeage, Godrevy Coast, Cornwall. For Pam.

Choppy waters

03 Aug 2012 24 12 265
Tubby's Head, Cornwall. For Pam.

Greenbank Cove, for Pam

04 Aug 2012 35 20 448
The rain held off and it turned into a fine day.

H. A. N. W. E. everyone! From the path to Fishing…

24 Aug 2012 39 41 612
You can see the start of the cliff path near the top of the photo. It's perfectly safe. Godrevy and Hell's Mouth coast, Cornwall. For Pam.

Man and His Man from St Agnes Head, for Pam

St Agnes Head, gorse and heather, for Pam.

10 Aug 2014 25 14 309
Taken from higher up the cliffs. For Pam.

St Agnes Head

24 Jul 2012 46 31 602
It is perfectly possible to walk to the end, and local teens sunbathe on the sloping rocks halfway between crest and sea. For Pam.

Camp Cameron, Saint Agnes, for Pam.

01 Aug 2017 46 40 629
Half accident (in that it was horriblly unfocused), and half rescued in editing to make it tolerable. I eventually decided I liked the slightly hazy effect so here it is, after 18 months of dilly-dallying (or is it shilly-shallying?)! Shasta daisies and montbretia and a yellow interloper (teasel?) Camp Cameron: the US army's camp in WWII for their coloured personnel, it being thought best to keep them out of the way in isolation form the Brits in case they should frighten the horses (or something). As I've mentioned before; boxer Joe Louis was stationed here for what he recalled as the most boring time of his life. There is absolutely NOTHING left of this camp. When fully operational it covered most of the St Agnes Headland. For Pam.

The West Penwith Coast from Bosigran Head

02 Aug 2017 13 16 447
Sometimes an indifferent day weather-wise can yield some good things! For Pam.

Greenbank Cove

30 Aug 2011 14 11 329
A pair of sharks? For Pam.

Greenbank Cove, For Pam

19 Aug 2011 33 30 396
Probably posted before.

Rock samphire

01 Aug 2017 21 16 465
Man and his Man are the names of the two islands.

Greenbank Cove, Cornwall

04 Aug 2012 17 5 260
Possibly posted before but maybe on Panoramio and a first here? I really don't know as there is now no way of checking Pano archives. For Pam.

Shetland ponies, Portreath, Cornwall

01 Aug 2012 33 22 600
The day started off very stormily indeed. This shot was taken just as the dampness was being burnt off by the increasingly powerful summer sun but the mist lingered awhile. I think this shot gives an impression of the last of the mistiness before the sun finally broke through (I hope so, anyway!) For Pam.

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