HFF!!! Rhodochiton in my mother's garden

500 + views

Gurnard's Head from the South West Peninsula Coast…

20 Jul 2012 52 46 827
A lovely day and the sea was at its best in terms of colour.

HFF! A corner of Pinner.

24 Jun 1979 35 56 912
Pinner, Middlesex, One of the few true villages still extant in the London area. A photo from 1979 - my Pentax ME SLR and b/w film, scanned. I came here for a job interview. I was in my last year at uni. I was early and walked around and took a few photos (I had packed my SLR with my notes for the interview for some strange reason). I did OK at the interview, forgot all about it, went to France for a year after my finals, then got a message from my Dad that the firm in Pinner wanted to know what had happened as I had been due to start many months ago! I had very little recollection of all this, except a few black and white photos, of which this is one. Upshot: 35 years work in the Financial Services Industry, starting with this firm in Pinner before I finally upped sticks and came to Spain 7 years ago. That was the short answer. The long answer is ...........

H. A. N. W. E. (Sorry. Very late but just got inte…

12 Apr 2013 44 47 915
The Sentinel! Griffon vulture. La Sierra de La Cabrera with El Pico de La Miel prominent.

Granite and rock samphire in flower

24 Jul 2012 57 60 940
From Tubby's Head to St Agnes' Head, Cornwall

HFF!!!! ... OK, I'm stretching it a little bit! :o…

21 Oct 2011 32 42 671
Príncipe Pío metro and mainline railway station, Madrid


01 Aug 2015 47 43 875
Tubby's Head, St Agnes. Cornwall,

Neolithic Clifftop Tomb, Penberth Cove, Cornwall

08 Aug 2015 49 60 919
Must have been a Very Important Person indeed to merit such an impressive location for a tomb!

Sierra de La Cabrera, granite

29 May 2011 37 41 913
I like this strange scraped rock.

From Zennor Head to Gurnard's Head

20 Jul 2012 39 35 837
Cornish cliff top scenery!

Autumn shot

05 Nov 2015 55 50 731
Pyrennean Oak, Autumn, El Escorial.

San Lorenzo de El Escorial and blackberries.

24 Aug 2015 25 33 761
The impressive, huge, awe-inspiring yet oppressively grim monastery-palace of Felipe II is a little softened seen through the brambles! Taken from the Roman road.

HFF everyone!

11 Oct 2012 58 70 823
Bridge over the Rio Manzanares, Madrid

Granite. Torre de Valdemanco, Sierra de La Cabrera

20 May 2017 43 60 1004
Amazingly, my first walk in the Sierra de La Cabrera since December 2015! And it hasn't changed a bit!


23 Mar 2012 34 65 760
Opera metro station wall mural, Madrid. I think in 'z' please.

Las Machotas, dry-stone wall

21 Oct 2011 35 31 875
Constructed high in the Sierra de Guadarrama and now in ruins. I like the stone shapes in these walls just as I love the same in the drystone walls of upland Britain! Best on 'z'

HFF everyone!

21 Jul 2012 69 72 957
Horses on Carn Marth. This is inland Cornwall but you can just about make out the sea at or near Falmouth.

Sierra de La Cabrera, El Cancho Largo and its towe…

08 Jan 2012 33 45 728
Good walking country. There are 100s of walks of all standards all around these rocks and cliffs. Something for everyone!

Spanish Lavender, Sierra de La Cabrera

02 Jun 2015 41 58 727
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722 items in total