Andy Rodker's photos

Sierra de La Cabrera, granite. PLEASE STAY, DON'T…

Wheal Coates tin mine, Cornwall. PLEASE STAY, DON'…

03 Aug 2012 21 35 539
Retaining wall with gorse and heather

Wheal Coates tin mine from Tubby's Head, Cornwall.…

04 Aug 2014 68 87 1627
St Agnes' Heritage Coast, August 2014. Granite cliffs (and rock samphire in the foreground).

Spring won't be long in coming! PLEASE STAY, DON'T…

15 May 2016 39 47 686
Algete, Madrid province, wildflowers. Mallow and goosefoot to the fore!

HFF! Cornish hedge on the northern slopes of Carn…

28 May 2011 53 71 1188
I know it's VERY early (I will be away for a couple of days) and also it's not exactly a fence, but it will have to do! Stone field borders are called hedges in Cornwall.

El Cancho Largo from El Cancho Gordo. PLEASE STAY,…

02 Apr 2011 21 28 578
Sierra de La Cabrera and the Bustarviejo Valley. Additional note 12 years later. On reflection this day was my first ever in this Sierra and I fell in love with it on the spot!

West Penwith. Cornwall, August 2015. PLEASE STAY,…

04 Aug 2015 20 37 683
View towards Bosigran, Rosemergy, Pendeen Watch and Morvah from the lower slopes of Carn Galva. The granite field-walls (called 'hedges' in Cornwall) seen here in the middle distance, and present in much of the coastal-shelf areas of West Penwith are reputed to be the oldest 'continuously used - for their original purpose - man made structures anywhere on Earth'.


23 Mar 2012 34 63 784
Opera metro station wall mural, Madrid. I think in 'z' please.


05 Jul 2012 38 64 972
Basset Cove and Crane Islands, Cornwall. High tide (at low tide, this is on one of my favourite shoreline rock-hopping 'walks'!). The South West Peninsula Coast Path once followed the line of the fence. Now it has to veer sharply inland due to severe coastal erosion.

La Cabrera granite. PLEASE STAY, DON'T RUN AWAY!!!

19 Aug 2015 32 40 957
A hot August day, but cooler than the streets of Madrid below! Fabulous walking and scrambling country!

Old Door, La Alberca, Salamanca province. PLEASE S…

20 Aug 2016 28 41 926
If you were not 100% catholic, in the days of the reconquista and after, it made sense to declare your undying adherence to the True Faith of the Winning Side by such means as these biblical extracts over your door!

Asparagus and Samphire Islands at low tide. Porthc…

04 Aug 2012 47 58 829
Not advisable to dawdle too close to the crumbly edge here! I walk by here about once every two years (at one time 3-4 times a week when I lived here!), and am constantly surprised by how much land has disappeared each time! Not too long ago, I could have walked across to the promontory from here in a straight line!). There is an old tin mine entrance on the far island (storm erosion has washed away what would have been an obvious approach to the entrance, I suspect).

Happy Fence Friday!!! PLEASE STAY, DON'T RUN AWAY!…

19 Apr 2014 33 48 810
Taken in Spring 2014, please ignore the exif date - always wrong in this camera and no one has been able to fix it! This is an area due for complete redevelopment. It lies between the Four Towers and Chamartin Station and has been an eyesore since the beginning of the recession (except for a few weeks in Spring!). I did have to remove a few beer cans and empty cigarette packets first!

Family get together at a restaurant in Pedraza, Se…

18 Apr 2014 28 53 688
A mix of my English siblings and their children, my Spanish in-laws - I mean my sister's very Spanish family - and my girlfriend who at the last moment turned her head away from the camera, as usual!

Wherever I lay my hat ... is my home. PLEASE STAY,…

04 May 2015 23 33 657
Sierra de La Cabrera, Valle de Bustarviejo. May 2015, (not January 2014 as per the incorrect exif!)

Trereen Dinas (South), Cornish Granite. PLEASE STA…

08 Aug 2015 28 43 697
Near Penberth Cove, Porthcurno and Logan Rock, West Penwith, Cornwall. It actually is a rock window but I couldn't get the whole frame in the shot without falling off the cliff edge behind me. ... And that I would not do, even for my art!! :o)

Oh, the thoughts we think! Sepulveda, Segovia prov…

17 Sep 2013 39 55 858
La Puerta de La Fuerza.

HFF!!!!!! Puente de la Reina Victoria and teleferi…

3607 items in total