Diane Putnam's photos

Kitchen lizard

Maneki neko

Steamy valley morning

Scanning for rodents


03 Nov 2022 10 4 121
A fluffy, kind-hearted, three-legged Australian shepherd belonging to my granddaughter. She is an incessant hunter of rodents of all kinds, the champion of the pack.

Chevy, 1974-ish

Bald eagle

05 Jan 2023 6 7 145
America's national bird. "Bald eagles are North American birds. Their range extends from the Mexico border through the United States and Canada. The birds are extremely populous in Alaska. They can be seen year-round in Alaska, along the East and West coasts, the Rocky Mountains, and the Mississippi River. The rest of the United States only sees bald eagles during the winter and their migration. Bald eagles like lakes—big lakes. During the summer, they can be seen soaring above lakes and in nearby trees. They prefer lakes and reservoirs with lots of fish and surrounding forests. In the winter, bald eagles can be seen around unfrozen lakes and hunting along coastlines, reservoirs, and rivers. During their migration, bald eagles are seen near all types of water habitats." [Source: tinyurl.com/nbm2xgc ] About eagles in Alaska, where they're like gigantic fish-eating pigeons: www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mc-i242rmfU The eagle above has marshes, lakes and the Klamath Basin National Wildlife Refuge nearby. That's why she looks so smug.

Steph's new horse

05 Jan 2023 3 4 80
Belongs to my daughter-in-law. I forgot her name. She's very gentle, never spooks and is a real pro at being ridden at all speeds and by all kinds of humans. Photo sent to me by Stephanie, my daughter-in-law.

Rusty and Travis

05 Jan 2023 6 4 182
Yet another new dog. Rusty is a Red Heeler, sweet as pie and a real workout to train. A co-worker gave her to Travis (my grandson). Travis is mostly moved out of his parents' house, so they have "only" four dogs, not five.

Rowan berries

05 Oct 2022 18 18 182
Go ahead. Taste them!

Rowan tree (Sorbus Rosaceae)

05 Oct 2022 8 5 156
- Pros: Pretty tree and fruits; can make jam w/berries; provides deep shade. - Cons: Flowers smell like cat pee, odor travels; fruit tastes bitter; makes a mess. The species and varieties of Rowan tree are so copious that I am mainly giving information about the N. American trees. Also known as the mountain ash, native to the mountain regions of the northern hemisphere. Most species are small deciduous trees 10-20ft tall. The Sorbus (Sorbus) is a North American native species, of which this one is probably an example. Rowans have a multitude of species, subspecies and hybrids, The British Isles have a multitude of their own, but the largest number of Sorbus species is in Asia. Rowan fruit contains sorbic acid, and when raw also contains parasorbic acid (about 0.4%-0.7% in the European rowan[15]), which causes indigestion and can lead to kidney damage,* but heat treatment (cooking, heat-drying etc.) and, to a lesser extent, freezing, renders it nontoxic by changing it to the benign sorbic acid. They are also usually too astringent to be palatable when raw. Collecting them after first frost (or putting in the freezer) cuts down on the bitter taste as well. [Source of all information is Wikipedia, Eng.] *My grandson and I tried a few berries several years and spit them out immediately. This is a good protection against kidney damage for those of us who only know they can be made into jelly (heat treated!).


Seeing clearly

04 Oct 2022 11 7 218
Old Panoramio, about 8 years ago.

7237 photos in total