Silent barn

Rural Architecture

Holland's Dairy

22 Jan 2016 1 2 579
Founded in 1966. The US and Israeli flags flying here are puzzling to me. This is a certified organic operation and they do sell milk to Kosher manufacturers, but the Israeli flag isn't the Kosher logo. One day I will visit the dairy again and ask about it! They don't seem to have a website, but here is some information about the dairy:

Holland's Dairy

20 Mar 2014 2 2 473
Klamath County, near Bonanza, Oregon. Hwy. 140.


20 Mar 2014 4 2 497
Olene, Oregon, USA

Lost River Grange

25 Jan 2015 2 500
Abandoned. Olene, Orego, USA.

Shell of a barn

22 Jan 2015 3 4 502
Hwy. 66, Keno, Oregon.

Land beyond

01 Jan 2011 2 2 387
Midland, Oregon.

Pump house ruin

20 Apr 2016 4 2 426
Keno, Oregon, USA.


21 Jan 2015 2 2 407
Midland, Oregon. AA298 Soft colors.

Silo penthouse

01 Jan 2011 2 2 366
Midland, Oregon. Seriously, I would love to live up there!

The perfect penthouse

01 Jan 2011 1 4 328
Oh, how I would love to live up there! Midland, Oregon.

Abandoned boarding house

16 Jan 2015 4 2 377
Merrill, Oregon

Back door

16 Jan 2015 339
Merrill, Oregon


14 Jan 2015 2 4 432
I'm thinking of moving in here, but it doesn't seem there's a toilet. Klamath Falls, Oregon.

Abandoned rehab facility

05 Jun 2014 328
This complex of brick buildings appears to have built in the 1930s. I don't know what its original purpose was, but something institutional. It was most recently a drug/alcohol rehab treatment residence. Klamath Falls, Oregon. AA312 Choice.

Volcanic stone building

29 Dec 2014 3 379
A complex of abandoned buildings in Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA. The town has quite a few of these buildings of lava rock and most appear to have been built in the 1930s. AA310 Textures.

Volcanic stone building

01 Dec 2014 1 2 516
Abandoned property in Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA. The town has quite a few of these buildlings of lava rock and most appear to have been built in the 1930s. In the background is a traditional, circular wood Pow Wow structure. I do not know the history of it, but it is obviously no longer used. AA302 My choice.

203 items in total