Racing to Kyoto


Folder: Away, away!

Racing to Kyoto

05 Nov 2013 4 1 572
Taken from the train from Tokyo.

Industrious Japan

05 Nov 2013 1 2 448
Taken from the train, Tokyo to Kyoto.

Kyoto Station, main entrance hall

04 Nov 2013 1 2 387
Non-stop fun, window shopping and people watching, if you're lucky enough to stay in the hotel above the station.

Kyoto Station

04 Nov 2013 401
This place is like a cavernous, multi-level space station. It's not my favorite architecture, but it's certainly...impressive. Chock-full of massive and disparate elements, weird traffic flow, endless stairs and tight, single-file escalators. I was told that it was designed by the same firm that designed Disneyland France - or something like that - and that it was highly controversial in conservative Kyoto when finished. (People hated it then and still do, in other words.) Kyoto is a traditional city and this station is more Tokyo style.

Lots of architecture

05 Nov 2013 402
Kyoto Station

The wave

04 Nov 2013 4 390
Kyoto Station. My impression of the design of this massive complex was, "Good grief."

Photo shoot

04 Nov 2013 3 2 420
Uppermost level of Kyoto Station.

Cleaners at Kyoto Station

Tokyo tower reflection

04 Nov 2013 2 4 391
This is one facade of the Kyoto Train Station, which is across from Tokyo Tower. AA262 Reflections.

Badger runs away with bottle of sake

04 Nov 2013 337
Or, something like that...

Tokyo Tower

06 Nov 2013 2 3 510
AA237 Had to stop!

Torii (gate)

05 Nov 2013 3 4 489
I fell in love with the gorgeous red-orange used in many shrines and temples. AA338 - Red!

Torii, Fushimi Inari-taisha

05 Nov 2013 1 314
The Shinto shrine dedicated to Inari, the god of rice and sake and one of the most popular Shinto shrines in Japan. (Shrines are Shinto, temples are Buddhist.)

House, Fushimi Inari-taisha

Small shrine in the Fushimi Inari-taisha complex

Small shrine

05 Nov 2013 1 357
Fushimi Inari-taisha

Ceremonial stage, Fushimi Inari-taisha

The most glorious red

05 Nov 2013 3 4 517
Gate detail. Fushimi Inari-taisha. Kyoto, Japan.

93 items in total