P is for purple


Villa "La vigie" II

Z is for Zombie Zone

07 Jul 2014 83 27 1847
My cousin found this charming villa during our stay in Belgium. He told me about it and I wanted to see it, to shoot a few photos. It was a deserted place, but you had the feeling that still lurked around any souls. I've posted some photos more because it was just too impressive. So I close the alphabet project.

nobody at home

16 Aug 2014 56 12 1323
a last day trip before holidays are over. visited a small ghost village in germany. blackberries knocking at the door.

5 - Five - Fünf

06 Jul 2014 68 13 1420
What do you feel when you look at this picture? I can´t really say ...

Château Miranda

07 Dec 2014 55 16 1243
Built in 1866. Abandoned since 1991.


12 Jan 2015 73 28 1244
Bad-Hair-Day for me and some trees? The project "Trees" goes to the second week and the subject is "group of trees". Three or more are a group and I found this group on my way home. The weather is not getting any better. During the day it is not really bright. That´s annoying.


28 Feb 2015 27 11 563
This little angel is already looking over a hundred years on the road in front of "his" house. What he may have seen in all these years?


02 Mar 2015 48 19 842
A touch of the Commonwealth in a small town in Germany.


05 Mar 2015 40 18 747
For the 10 Week Picture Project: TREES Week 9: Deciduous Tree

Sunday Challenge: HDR

23 Dec 2014 43 28 886
I like HDR images if they are not too extreme, and if the processing suited to the scene. I especially like HDR images of abandoned places, automobiles, machinery, street art and similar things. I have decided for today's Sunday Challenge for an older image, in which the HDR processing is very strong. I can understand that for someone this processing is too crass. It shows an old abandoned laundry near Bonn. Original is in the box.


02 May 2015 13 5 386
The whole complex: a jewel of architecture. In this cafeteria I've often eaten for lunch as a student. Now it has been closed for four years.


25 May 2015 48 19 937
A holiday trip with my godson to Burg Eltz. The typical romantic postcard view. Many people come from far away to see it, I´m lucky to live nearby. It is really impressive and beautiful.


28 May 2015 43 22 658
I visit a friend in ...?

Sunday Challenge: Vanishing Point

23 Jun 2015 36 30 730
One more rainy day in Cologne. You can see the Deutz bridge with padlocks and a part of the cathedral.


08 Jul 2015 23 12 644
Once I´m in Ireland, I am deeply relaxed, even if the city is full of people. I made a long walk and look forward to go to my friends tomorrow. The Picture is for the 10 Weeks Picture Projekt: Opposites Week 5: over. It shows the roof over the entrance of the Olympia Theatre in Dublin. I made a bracket and mirrored the final image, so you can read the word Olympia.


17 Sep 2015 22 9 892
Because the Macbook is still broken and I haven´t Photomatix software on the old Macbook, I've converted to an HDR image by hand in Photoshop. The background I wanted to have black and white, so that the small VW better comes into its own. The license plate is, of course, changed. (ô\_İ_/ô)


40 items in total