Happy One-(invisible)hand-in-my-pocket-selfie Saturday (◕‿-)


Don't need postcards...

14 Sep 2014 19 20 661
...send you a pic of my ice cream!

Most photographed building in town!

12 Oct 2014 8 7 467
➽ Das Augsburger Rathaus gehört zu den eindrucksvollsten Rathäusern Deutschlands und gilt als einer der bedeutendsten Profanbauten der Renaissance nördlich der Alpen. Es wurde entworfen und gebaut vom Stadtbaumeiser Elias Holl, zwischen 1615 und 1624! Aufgrund seiner historischen Bedeutung untersteht es der Haager Konvention zum Schutz von Kulturgut bei bewaffneten Konflikten. Mehr auf Wikipedia __________________________________________ ➽ The Town Hall of Augsburg is one of the most impressive town halls of Germany and one of the most significant secular buildings of the Renaissance style north of the Alps. It was designed and built by Elias Holl (Master Builder of the town), in 1615–1624. Due to its historic and cultural importance, it is protected by the Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. Read more on Wikipedia

I'm too sexy for my shirt

10 Aug 2013 7 8 580
➽ I'm too sexy for my shirt ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

...machen sie ein lustiges Video - make a funny vi…

St. Moritz, Neuer Raum für Gläubige, Fotografen un…

06 Jan 2014 4 5 471
➽ Die einen sind begeistert und fotografieren, was das Zeug hält - die anderen fragen sich, wann der Umbau nun endlich beginnt, oder betiteln St. Moritz als "Ikea-Kirche". Ein weiterer großer Kritikpunkt ist die schlechte Akkustik, mit langem Nachhall bei gesprochenen Worten. Bis zu ihrer Neugestaltung machte es die Einrichtung ihrer Gemeinde und den Besuchern aber auch nicht immer leicht, sich willkommen zu fühlen: eine kaputte Heizung, marode Elektrik, verrußte Wände - seht selbst! _____________________ ➽ Some are enthusiastic and photograph like crazy - the other wondering when the renovation is finally starting, or denote St. Maurice as "Ikea Church." Another major point of criticism is the poor acoustics, with long reverberation time by spoken words. Until its redesign the interior also doesn't made it easy for the church community and visitors to feel welcome: a broken heating, ramshackle electrical, sooty walls - see for yourself!

They've got the Jack! (◕‿-)

04 Aug 2012 13 13 722
➽ The Jack ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ - pls. see the note in order to avoid misunderstandings! (◕‿-)


08 Apr 2015 12 16 555
➽ NOT The Sunday Challenge - Cartoon/comics! Doesn't he look like a grown Charlie Brown? The Snoopy bag was the icing on the cake (see PiP)!

Take me to Church, oder - die spinnen, die Fotogra…

03 Jun 2015 18 21 602
➽ Take me to Church ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ______________ ➽ Schnappschuß aus dem Ulmer Münster ➽ Snap shot taken in Ulm Minster

Herbstfoto - Autumn photo

22 Oct 2011 31 24 694
➽ Der Wittelsbacher Park ist eine der größten Grünflächen Augsburgs. Er ist 18 Hektar groß und seit dem 10. März 1980 Landschaftsschutzgebiet. Die Gesamtfläche des Schutzgebiets beträgt 20,8 Hektar. Er ist wegen der Schönheit und Vielfalt seines Baumbestandes beliebt. Er bietet außerdem mehrere große Freiflächen sowie einen kleinen und einen großen Kinderspielplatz. Ein etwa 15 Meter hoher Rodelberg schließt den Park im Süd-Westen ab. Am Nord-Ost-Zugang befinden sich ein kleiner künstlicher See mit Terrasse und darauf ein Biergarten. Im Sommer steigt in Seemitte eine etwa zehn Meter hohe Wasserfontäne auf. (PiPs anklickbar) _________________________ ➽ The Wittelsbacher Park is one of the largest green areas of Augsburg. It's 18 hectares and since March 1980 conservation area. The total area of the reserve is 20.8 hectares. It's popular because of the beauty and diversity of its trees. It also has several large open spaces and a small and a large children's playground. A 15-meter-high sledding hill closes to the park in the south-west. At the north-eastern access is a small artificial lake with terrace and a beer garden. In summer in the middle of the lake rises an approximately ten-meter high water fountain. (PiPs clickable)

Macro (◕‿-)

10 Apr 2016 11 22 513
➽ NOT The Sunday Challenge - Photographer

Dressed up for the shooting

12 Apr 2016 54 68 1009
➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - Photographer A person who takes photographs - A self portrait with a camera, or someone else with a camera, or a group of people taking pictures. Can be also a silhouette, shadow or a detail shot (close up). New photos or archive, processed or unprocessed. _____________ A candid shot which I took last summer in the botanical garden of Augsburg! A lot of photographers there - so see an other one in PiP or NTSC! ;-D

Pflanzen der Liebe - Plants of Love (♥‿-)

02 Apr 2012 11 27 669
➽ NOT The Sunday Challenge - Photographer _______________________ The sign in the foreground says "Plants of Love" - but it seems they don't work, I guess she didn't love me and my cam! ;-D

Stay still! - Sorry, Baby - it's cold outside!

11 Oct 2016 37 47 1098
➽ Baby, it's cold outside! ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ ________________________ ➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - your mission this week, should you choose to accept it is... do the geo-challenge again! Use the random point generator (www.geomidpoint.com/random) set your co-ordinates and select 1 point. You can decide how far away you will be prepared to go in miles or kilometers. Go to the point and take a new photo. _______________________ ➽ The generator gave me a point at our townhall square (first note) - normaly a beautiful place (see the other notes) but the day I had time to go there was cold, gray and rainy. I took a few boring photos but then I noticed this blue... (◕‿-)

Cyber Feathers (◕‿-)

21 Jan 2017 22 33 797
➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - Judith's mission: Feather/Feathers _____________________ ➽ Seen on a Bachelor party in the city!

Hobbyhorse (◕‿-)

24 Apr 2015 24 33 738
➽ Every picture tells a story ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ _________________________ ➽ The Sunday Challenge (TSC) - this weeks mission, should you choose to accept it is... MANLY PURSUITS Sorry, this week exceptionally one from the archives, but, according to the rules, it was never published here and I've processed it new!

Ausflügler-Zaun - Day Tripper fence

14 Aug 2015 25 34 479
➽ HFF and a great sunny WE to all! __________________________ ➽ see also clickable PiP or Album "Ammersee" www.ipernity.com/doc/1091631/album/813622 __________________________ ➽ Summertime ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

White Wedding 웃❤유

09 Sep 2018 32 33 484
➽ White Wedding ♫ ♪ ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬

Frühlingsgefühle - Spring feelings

23 Mar 2019 29 37 552
➽ HFF and a sunny WE to all!

26 items in total