Scarborough Harbour old steps

Boats, ships and Harbours

Scarborough Harbour old steps

13 Apr 2012 8 9 478
Taken in 2012 and originally posted in Panoramio. Theses steps along the old harbour wall would take fishermen down to the boats in years past and also here in the present. For me, the diagonal shape and texture played a great part too. Enjoy.


15 Sep 2016 4 10 400
The tiny village of Corran on Loch Linnhe is a delight to walk through. Here on its beach is yet another sign of times past. Of fishing fleets and a lost age.

Gone Fishing

30 Nov 2016 11 4 486
Taken in the former Yugoslavia. From a scanned slide of my 1988 travels.

Margerie Glacier and the Park ranger vessel.

25 May 2016 8 7 374
The size of this glacier comes into some prospective when seen with this boat. It sits between our giant cruise ship and the cascading ice itself, presumably to stop us trying to get too close. You know the captains of these cruise ships will do anything for its passengers to get better photos :)

Fun at the Mendenhall Glacier

23 May 2016 10 8 543
The Mendenhall Glacier is a glacier about 13.6 miles long located and in Mendenhall Valley, about 12 miles from downtown Juneau in the southeast area of the U.S. state of Alaska. (Wikipedia)

The Idyle of Grassmere

23 Feb 2016 9 4 402
Walking along the South banks of this fine Lake District Mere we stumble into a small outside cafe that includes a hire boat service if required. For me the photo location takes some beating and the coffee and cakes aren't bad either.

Ahoy there.

27 Dec 2012 4 2 409
Just at the side of the Göta Kanal in Gothenburg, Sweden lies this memorial to the age of sail, albeit on land. In an case, making for an attractive photo in this contre-jour misty setting. Enjoy

Looe, Cornwall

06 Jul 2017 7 11 479
The Cornish fishing village of Looe here in all its splendour. Looking down-stream here towards the Ocean just behind the tree-laden hills here. Of course today it is a very bust tourist trap with all that entails too.

An Adriatic Sunset

23 Sep 2017 18 12 582
As seen from the Croatian town of Cavtat. On shooting this here at the front of the Hotel Croatia, all I hear is the sound of lapping water and the odd bird. A whole flotilla of these fishing boats were heading back to Cavtat and Dubrovnik after a days fishing. No bad weather was forecast and so I presume this is quite normal.

An archway to Cavtat

21 Sep 2017 12 10 599
I must admit to always having a soft-spot for archways. Here we see part of the Croatian village of Cavtat through one.


20 Sep 2017 5 7 542
A high view of mostly modern Kotor and its beautiful fjord. To the right here you see the 'Church of health' and just the start of the many steps onward and upwards. In the bay you can see our way in and out of here.

Ye Olde boat winch

22 Jan 2018 11 7 366
On the shores of Platja L'Olla looking North East we see here an old winch. Long since gone rusty, no doubt to hoist boats like this onto the foreshore. Maybe it still works as someone does not want it to be used or moved hence the locks.

Scarborough Harbour revealed

13 Apr 2017 11 15 596
A colourful shot of this very busy little harbour here in Scarborough on Yorkshires East coast. The colourful boats fight for attention against the colourful backdrop of buildings. Always a delight to be there, especially in conditions like this.

Honfleur, a pictorial view

26 Apr 2018 8 6 318
A first look at this most picturesque port, characterised by its houses with slate-covered frontages, and painted many times by artists. This inner-harbour view, is by no means its best but still, it s quite wonderful to see and stroll around. An old town, displayed here in an old monochrome manner!

A road bridge salutes a yacht!

29 Apr 2018 14 18 359
All pedestrian and car traffic comes to a halt as this yacht sails into this small inner harbour. Enjoy the reflections here. Seen in the pretty town of Honfleur, France.

Classic Honfleur

06 May 2018 20 23 490
The classic view of Honfleur and its magnificent inner harbour. I have visited many seaside villages and towns like this but I must admit to this being possibly the best one for reflections such as this. I think you will agree with me, a perfect place for a walk, something to eat and some beautiful photos. The bright outside cafe awnings make a fitting contribution to this old town. ps -deserves full screen treatment :) .............. See PiP's

Classic Honfleur 2

06 May 2018 9 10 502
Against my normal instinct, I have posted here another picture of the Port de Honfleur here. Please forgive me if this is just my indulgence, otherwise enjoy. See PiP's for alternate Honfleur photos.

From Deauville to Trouville

05 May 2018 4 8 344
Here I am in the resort of Deuville looking across the river to Trouville. Both are equally as beautiful but a hint of Summer caught my eye.

198 items in total