Draft horses seen in Honfleur.

Animals and birds (tame)

04 May 2018

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480 visits

Draft horses seen in Honfleur.

"Its OK for you with that camera, you are not pulling this thing around all day" - they seem to be thinking as he looks at me. A great pair of horses, obviously well looked after and enjoying there job of pulling a wonderful carriage of tourist around these narrow streets. Another one that works well in full screen.

09 Apr 2018

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360 visits

Awe come on, I said look at the birdie! Not that one in the tree!

Seen in the town of La Vila Joiosa, Spain. On a wall! I'm not really a cat person but I must admit to them being rather photogenic at times!

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28 Feb 2018

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398 visits

Its tough being a sheep

Seen in the recent Winter snowstorms -just a mile or so from home. I'm always amazed how these sheep can be out in all weathers. The chances are that they are both pregnant too as lambing time is usually March/April.

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17 Aug 2017

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589 visits

Grinton Moor wildlife

A carpet of purple which for me is a real pleasure to roam though. Taken on the moor above the tiny Swaledale village of Grinton near Reeth in the Yorkshire Dales. The sheep is actually a 'Swaledale' well know for their ruggedness and found throughout the mountains and moorland of Britain. No doubt on its way to join its close-by friends and relatives. More Info: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swaledale_sheep

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02 Jul 2018

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482 visits

Little Switzerland perhaps

It is actually a view from just above the North West banks of our Lake Windermere near Wray Castle. The mountain crags are, I believe the Langdale Pikes. Now where are those cow-bells...

23 Jun 2016

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322 visits

In camouflage

She thinks we cannot see her, surrounded by ferns and with her camouflage on but..........perhaps its simply her necklace!

11 Sep 2018

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Sheep roundup at Clifden Castle

We see here the back of this ruined castle which is in reality an old ruined Manor House. See Pip for classic view.

15 Oct 2018

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639 visits

Bellowing red deer at Rutting time.

Red Deer Rut at Tatton Park, Cheshire The sound of a red deer stag bellowing is both unmistakeable and unforgettable. At this time of year stags are battling to show their dominance to gather together a harem of females. As always, beautiful at full screen. See pip

23 Jan 2019

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937 visits

Lone tree, fence and a horse

The recent cold spell and snowfall provided me with another chance to get a winter fence. Here, just an hours walk from my home is a tree and seemingly the same horse that I have been photographing for years. This time this HFF group has pulled me closer to the fence. I wish you all, a great weekend, Herb
39 items in total