Mauritius 2


Folder: Rest of the World

18 Mar 2014

5 favorites


421 visits

Goodby Singapore

As our ship pirouettes within the main Singapore harbour we wave goodbye to this magnificent city after only a few fleeting hours. This was taken only a short time after a major rain storm. For you technically minded this was taken hand-held on a rocking ship hence the slightly grainy ISO 2000!

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19 Mar 2014

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448 visits

The Petronas Towers

No trip to Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur is complete without looking up to these massive twin towers with their connecting skybridge. Enjoy

28 Mar 2014

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289 visits

Mauritius - Wonder of the Indian Ocean

Mauritius, an Indian Ocean island nation has many appealing aspects which include beautiful golden beaches and wonderful countryside as well as incredible mountains. A nostalgic photo here from a catamaran trip along the coast taken in 2014. The mountain with the high rock is Rempart Mountain (I think).

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20 Mar 2014

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268 visits

Langkawi -paradise Island

Anther Island here in the Andaman Sea some 30 km off the mainland coast of northwestern Malaysia. The islands are a part of the state of Kedah, which is adjacent to the Thai border. Just a whistle-stop here for us but with beach scenes like this, altogether too little time sent here for us. This is actually near Star Cruises jetty on the southwest corner of the island beside Awana Poroto Malai Resort. Nice full size!

23 Mar 2014

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247 visits

A charmer of Sri Lanka

Taken in the beautiful Royal Palace Park in the city of Kandy during our trip to this part of the World in 2014. Whilst here we witnessed a wedding celebration and saw many giant tree bats and monkeys. Kandy is famed for sacred Buddhist sites, including the Temple of the Tooth (Sri Dalada Maligawa) shrine which we also visited.

29 Mar 2014

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279 visits

The infinite Indian Ocean

Part of my 2014 collection. Taken from on-board the P&O Aurora crossing from Asia to Africa. I waited for some time hoping that the light would still be on the sea horizon for this boat to enter it. The late day sky with this dark sea combined in the end to make this. Enjoy large

19 Mar 2014

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273 visits

Kuala Lumpur, National monument Park

looking towards the city centre, this also shows the Tugu Megara national monument. The National Monument is a sculpture that commemorates those who died in Malaysia's struggle for freedom, principally against the Japanese occupation during World War II and the Malayan Emergency, which lasted from 1948 until 1960 PiP

29 Mar 2014

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302 visits

Reunion Island, Hindu Temple

This is the Temple Tamoul de Bois Rouge. Taken on part of our 2014 Asian exploration.

20 Mar 2014

26 favorites


220 visits

Langkawi pier

Enjoy with me this retrospective 2014 holiday view on the Island of Lagkawi. Believe it or not, this is a natural frame, a little like the one you can see at the far end of the pier. This Island lies in the Andaman Sea some 30 km off the mainland coast of northwestern Malaysia. The archipeglio of which this is only one island of 99, is a part of the state of Kedah, which is adjacent to the Thai border. Just a whistle-stop here for us on a cruise, but with beach scenes like this, altogether too little time for us to explore further. This is actually near Star Cruises jetty on the southwest corner of the island beside Awana Poroto Malai Resort. Nice full screen.
12 items in total