A bride and groom of Dubrovnik

Town & City

Your carriage awaits you Madam

14 Jun 2018 21 21 470
Seen in Krakow main square. These wonderful horse-drawn carriages are nearly all operated by young ladies dressed in a particular style of that wonderful era of long ago. The many horses are just as beautiful with their coloured plumes and livery. The building in the background is the old 'Cloth House', now a fashionable market bedecked by cafe's and restaurants. Enjoy.

Krakow and its old main square at night

14 Jun 2018 20 28 748
Part of the main square in Krakow with St. Mary's Basilica with its twin towers. This taken at around 21.30, note how many tourist are still around in this momentary quite moment for me. In the left tower, high in the top windows a trumpeter plays a 'bugle call' on the hour every hour of the day and night. (I believe three people do that in shifts) This is done in succession from each compass point window so four trumpet calls per hour in reality and always a ready audience as the sound echos from the nearby other buildings. (Maybe a thing to note if you consider staying in one of the many hotels around this square.) Best viewed full size. See PiP for Cloth Hall view,

A wet night in Krakow

10 Jun 2018 18 25 589
We have had our restaurant dinner only to find ourselves confronted by heavy rain. Taxis seem rare at this time of night here and so its a fast walk back along these roads back to our hotel. Of course I cannot stop myself trying to catch the marvellous reflections in these cobblestones and tram-tracks, even though I only have my trusty little Canon pocket camera with me. - Just in case...

Blue Tramzzzzz....

14 Jun 2018 11 13 242
Seen in the old centre of Krokow, Poland. This old town is full of trams, lots of them blue and white like this but there are other colours and speeds too. Enjoy full screen.

Three Red Doors and a Fence

25 Jul 2018 49 80 634
A wander around the city centre of Manchester can lead to all sorts of places. Here we see what at first sight looks like an old mill of sorts but the flower vase and curtains gives the game away. Yes, these are certainly modern converted apartments with views looking on Manchester's China Town. I wish you all, a great weekend, Herb Best viewed full screen.

Victoria station, Manchester

25 Jul 2018 25 52 594
Old and new at this station. Normally considered as one of Manchester's two main railway stations it is now shared with many of Manchester's trams. Originally opened c1844 and had the reputation for being the worst category B interchange station in the United Kingdom in 2009. Here we see the new roof and tram interchange added in 2015. Behind is the old main building edifice. I remember catching the steam trains to and from my home town of Oldham under imposing but yellow smoked grimy glass held up by Victorian wrought iron frames here. Always quite imposing but now a very much more modern feel to things. This is actually a Bombardier M5000 built in Bautzen, Germany from 2014. It is on its way to Manchester Airport. See PiPs for other internal views

Shambles Square, Manchester

25 Jul 2018 15 23 580
On this hot July day we are here in the heart of the city centre, just behind the main shopping area. Sit with me and enjoy a drink and a nibble at one of these very old famous hostelries. Both the 'Old Wellington' and 'Sinclairs Oyster Bar' were moved brick by brick to here from another location 300metres away in 1998/9. The Old Wellington was originally built in 1552 and the Oyster bar has a similar interesting history. More info: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shambles_Square,_Manchester

Parga and its environs

20 May 2015 1 2 263
The beautiful coastal town of Parga is the setting of this scene. A rather dull day for me but I have kept this picture natural as it portrays a special feeling.

Corfu Town with the old fort.

21 May 2015 2 4 236
Corfu town offers so many delights it is difficult to concentrate just on one. Here we see the old fort topped by its lighthouse and also Saint Spyridon church spire. Taken from the new fort.

The domes and homes of down-town Cofu.

21 May 2015 2 4 264
Taken from the new fort towards the old town, Small church towers abound in these tiny streets as do flowers on these balconies.

The Petronas Towers

19 Mar 2014 5 5 444
No trip to Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur is complete without looking up to these massive twin towers with their connecting skybridge. Enjoy

Memories of Koblenz

08 Sep 2015 242
The Rhein, cable-cars, castles and music all bring together very pleasant memories of this great town.

Curvaceous Marbella

17 Dec 2015 2 4 294
Seen from the main promenade of Marbella in Spain. I think this was an apartment block. Enjoy the slight amount of editing effect here.

An arche of Ronda

02 Feb 2016 1 273
There are many archways and cobbled roads here in Ronda. Savour this view just near the old Roman bridge over the river into town.

Mallaga and its Bullring

04 Feb 2016 242
Malaga has many things to see and offer the tourist. Here we see its bull ring taken from high. Bullfights are held regularly from April to September and 14,000 spectators can witness the spectacle. Not for me though, but this makes for a great shot.

Palacio Episcopal, Malaga

04 Feb 2016 1 317
This impressive façade is constructed with marbles of different colors (pink, white and gray) in a beautiful Baroque design, with pilasters and cornices. On the third floor of the façade is a vaulted niche that holds a sculpture of the Virgen de las Angustias, sculpted by Fernando Ortiz and Manuel Agustin Valero in alabaster. (https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Travel-g187438-c140282/Malaga:Spain:Malaga.Photo.Album.html)

An arch of Malaga.

04 Feb 2016 1 230
I must admit that I am not sure whether this arch is up all year round or just during the Christmas season as the Christmas lights were still present. I have concentrated on the roof element leaving out the actual pedestrian roadway and myriad of tourist present here.

Mija, pueblo blanco

06 Feb 2016 2 3 389
Mijas, a pretty white village just inland from Fuengirola and could not be so different. Here we see a view towards the centre of the village.

130 items in total