An Adriatic Sunset

Sunsets and Rises

An Adriatic Sunset

23 Sep 2017 18 12 582
As seen from the Croatian town of Cavtat. On shooting this here at the front of the Hotel Croatia, all I hear is the sound of lapping water and the odd bird. A whole flotilla of these fishing boats were heading back to Cavtat and Dubrovnik after a days fishing. No bad weather was forecast and so I presume this is quite normal.


23 Jan 2018 38 63 825
Good morning from Altea, Spain. As the sun rises above the horizon a new day is said to begin but actually it bagan almost an hour back with the first signs of dawn just around the big outcrop of Peñón d'Ifach that you can see here on your left. As on that day, the fence shows us the way to go. I wish you all a HFF. ps, PiP's here too!

Dawn at Cap Negret

23 Jan 2018 7 4 415
As the night turns slowly to day, I take the rare chance of capturing the sun rising. Normally the fist sight of the sun is the most exciting and best thing to photograph but in this case I like this pre-sunrise better. The dark blue of the night sky turning to a blood-red just around the famous Penyal d'Ifac at Calpe is a crowning point to rest my eye on. Enlarged, one can easily make out the night fishing boats with their lights. Tech info: 34mm Nikon at F7, 1/6th sec iSO 1250, tripod mounted.

Approaching Dusk

18 Mar 2018 16 4 418
A view towards Altea in Spain. Great signs of a fine sunset -somewhere! For me almost a painting in the clouds. Nothing betters nature it seems.

Girl on a bicycle

11 Apr 2009 37 22 488
Seen in the seaside town of Seaford, Sussex. These are beach-huts lit up by the evening sun-set. Yes, talk about 'the Golden Hour'.

Sunset Arch

02 May 2018 24 38 498
This giant bridge in the desert is in reality a 25cm piece of drift-wood on the beach at Formby Point near Southport on the Lancashire coast. A magic moment caught just moments before all was gone again. Another that deserves to be viewed full screen.

A Balnakeil Bay sunset

03 Jun 2014 16 12 449
Balnakeil Bay in the very North West of Scotland is the setting for this glorious sunset. This was taken at 22.30 demonstrating how far North we are. Enjoy

As evening calls

30 Jul 2015 2 3 317
As the sun starts to drop this old barn is bedecked by shadows and I feel a distinct insect crawling on my neck as I slowly breath in and push the shutter button. Enjoy

A sunset from Cumbria

17 Jun 2015 1 2 322
Whilst staying near Loweswater we were blessed one evening with this sunset.

The Seine at sunset

19 Apr 2018 17 16 436
A sunset view of the mighty river Seine and the Pont de Normandie. - As I stroll along the riverbank side path, all is silent except for the odd chirp of a bird, buzz of an insect and lap of a wave. In the distance can be seen the port town of Le Havre. This scene, so majestic that so many elements vie for closer attention but here we have it in all its glory. Enjoy in full screen. See PiPs.

Winter comes to the Sierra Bernia

02 Feb 2018 7 5 479
Now this is South Spain -it rarely if ever sees snow but here it is lying on the mountains just behind our apartment here at Cap Negret, Altea. Taken in the Golden Hour, giving this shot that little extra. Enjoy large.

Sunset over Altea

21 Jan 2018 5 4 377
As the sun sinks behind the Costa Blanca resort of Altea we see the Sierra Helada Natural Park and skyscrapers of Benidorm silhouetted. The Winter moon is already high and the sun highlights the passing aeroplane con trail. For me: perfection.

Penon de Ifach at sunset

21 Jan 2018 8 8 483
Taken from just north of Altea at Cap Negret on the Costa Blanca, Spain. Shortly after the warm light on the distant mountain rocks soon faded as night descended.

Loch Linnhe -low

16 Sep 2016 3 4 270
A low look at this wonderful Loch taken whilst there in 2016.

The skies above Kendal Castle

02 Jul 2018 24 31 439
This castle just above Kendal in our Lake District is interesting enough, but with an evening sunset sky like this, well it is what we photographers long for. Enjoy full screen.

A Llŷn Peninsula view

03 Aug 2018 23 20 314
An evening walk to our local bit of coast here near Anelog Mountain, Aberdaron. Enjoy full screen! PiP

Sunset at Marbella

17 Dec 2015 4 5 315
As the sun dips to the horizon, its time for just a bit more fishing as well as a snap from yours truly.

Andalusian highlights

31 Jan 2016 2 1 257
Taken from the window of a B737 on approach to Malaga, Spain. Only about 30km to touchdown, we must be approx 4000ft ASL here.

57 items in total