An Adriatic Sunset


Folder: Europe

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23 Sep 2017

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586 visits

An Adriatic Sunset

As seen from the Croatian town of Cavtat. On shooting this here at the front of the Hotel Croatia, all I hear is the sound of lapping water and the odd bird. A whole flotilla of these fishing boats were heading back to Cavtat and Dubrovnik after a days fishing. No bad weather was forecast and so I presume this is quite normal.

23 Sep 2017

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514 visits

A bride and groom of Dubrovnik

This is what it is like to get married in a busy tourist hot-spot like Dubrovnik. A great place to have your wedding photos taken maybe but one has to not mind the tourist, purposefully kept in full view (including heads-only) here to convey some of the true busyness of this spot. ps- these steps where featured a great deal in the major series 'Games of Thrones'.

23 Sep 2017

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522 visits

Inner Dubrovnik

The back streets can get pretty hectic here within the old city walls of Dubrovnik. At least one can still get a manicure easy enough :)

23 Sep 2017

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465 visits

Old Dubrovnik

Leaving the tourist and shoppers behind, we see here that parts of old Dubrovnik have a quite calm.

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21 Sep 2017

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601 visits

An archway to Cavtat

I must admit to always having a soft-spot for archways. Here we see part of the Croatian village of Cavtat through one.

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20 Sep 2017

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544 visits


A high view of mostly modern Kotor and its beautiful fjord. To the right here you see the 'Church of health' and just the start of the many steps onward and upwards. In the bay you can see our way in and out of here.

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20 Sep 2017

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365 visits

Up to the castle of San Giovanni, Kotor

Only another 600? steps to go out of the 1350 altogether from the town far below to the top of the ruined castle where the flag beckons. This castle also called St Johns was built on and off between the ninth and nineteenth centuries. Fortunately a prayer in the passed 'Health Church' gives one safe deliverance to the top and then down again.

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20 Sep 2017

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329 visits

Montenegro hill church

Taken from the mountains around the town of Kotor

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20 Sep 2017

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504 visits

Catholic Island and its church, Bay of Kotor

The church called is called Our Lady of the Rocks or Gospa od Škrpjela and sits deep in the Bay of Kotor, Montenegro. Here we see it just as our ship sails away from it, just before reaching the town of Kotor.
12 items in total