
40+ favs


19 Mar 2013 53 16 528
Sempervivum tectorum (serb. čuvarkuća, eng. houseleek) Tea promotes urinary output and closes with diarrhea. Helps with severe menstruation, bloody dysentery, inflammation of the ear. The juice heals burns, insect bites, biting eyes, nipples, sun spots, nervous breakdown, fallout. More recently, the juice of a fresh herb has been used to prevent tooth inflammation and sore throat.

When I was young (Kad sam bio mlad)

10 Apr 2015 48 27 505 When I was young Whit 13 I smoked my first cigarette and after first one immediately second one 'cause then,I was young then With 14 I drank first bear and after bear,I drank everything 'cause then, I was young then When I get drubbing I wasn't lamenting I was beaten and I beat 'cause then, I was young then I was just 15, and she hackneyed thank her, but she was fucked 'cause then, I was young then With 16 I repeated year, for the first time ran from home and didn't call anyone 'cause then, I was young then I lied a little bit, I was hasty I didn't laid bill to anyone 'cause then, I was young then Lyrisc by Bora Đorđević

Reklama bara za "bajkere"

Collapsed fence

Spring in my area

Spring landscape

Bridge over the green river -(Best viewed large)

01 May 2013 47 18 619
The Vrbas River, which flows through Banmjaluka, has been sung in many songs as "green river".

The colors of spring

From children play

01 Jan 4501 44 25 484
My nine-year-old granddaughter Natalija she prepared for me lunch. Everything was here: soup, main course, salad, dessert, milk shake. The table decoration was not lacking either. Thank you, dear granddaughter!

An intruder in a deserted village

"Njemačka štampa"

30 Apr 2020 47 20 342
From (SPC 2020/04) Still Life: "German press"

A winding road

"How Green Was My Valley"

23 Apr 2016 41 20 558
Best viewed large

Jezero Gradina

Lush vegetation

Једно јутро на Сави

223 items in total