
40+ favs

Quaint mill

Another memory of Archie

27 Oct 2013 41 18 522 See also my comment here:

Sky as background

Old man in the shady side

Pasarela for the clouds

25 May 2013 46 27 654
HFF to everyone!

Church of St. Basil of Ostrog

"We wish all cats a happy New Year, as sunny as th…

01 Jan 2020 43 22 604
Belated congratulation!

Lonesome in sunlight

Yon at horizont

15 Feb 2015 40 29 1213
HFF to all from Kneževo!

...and yesterday was a snowstorm


19 Dec 2018 46 23 684
Aleksandra i Natalija, my granddaughters

Find Archie!

19 Feb 2011 41 38 659

She is looking forward to spring

Spring next to Sava river

The blossom of the cornel tree

15 Mar 2020 58 17 768
The cornel tree is a symbol of health, prosperity and power.For a person who has no any problems it is said "healthy as a cornel".

Plućnjak (Lungwort)

15 Mar 2020 46 17 594
Plućnjak (Pulmonaria officinalis) It is used as a liver for lung diseases and coughs (hence the name). It is also useful for cleansing and strengthening the blood. Young shoots are rich in vitamins and can be eaten as salads.

Spring mushrooms and plants

15 Apr 2015 43 26 585
HYGROPHORUS MARZUOLUS is one of the best types of mushrooms. PRIMULA VERIS is the first herald of spring, a favorite herbal remedy to combat respiratory problems, bronchitis, insomnia or allergic disorders. VIOLA ODORATA is used in the treatment of asthma, tuberculosis, headache, bloating, gout (role), sore throat, rash, measles, scarlet fever, pulmonary catarrh. Due to its calming effect, violet is successfully used in the treatment of hysteria, hypochondria, nervous heartbeat associated with the feeling of fear and severe breathing, insomnia, headache, etc.

The cat is posing

223 items in total