MSC original door


MSC original door

27 Jun 2018 3 312
Contrast the new door PIP

MSC new door

27 Jun 2018 6 9 284
Contrast the old door in the PIP to the new.

York court house

28 Sep 2015 4 4 364
Welcome to the house of pain its quite over bearing once inside.,_York.html

Gates of Paradise 1982

05 Jan 2009 7 9 527
Enjoy Kodak ASA 100 50mm @ F1.8 Olympus OM-2N missing panel The door was dismantled in 1943 because of the bombings of World War II and hidden in a gallery and went back to the Baptistry in 1948. After the 1966 flood some panels were taken to the Opificio delle Pietre Dure to be repaired. In 1990 the entire door was dismantled for total restoration and replaced with a copy.

Venetian Door

21 Jan 2009 9 27 368
Enjoy Kodak ASA 100 50mm @ F5.6 Olympus OM-2N

Quiet Corner

02 Sep 2018 9 12 261
The older buildings where gutted but the older facards retained and new buildings built inside the existing area.

Home sweet Home

Very old Australiana : Esperance HFF

27 Feb 2019 9 16 356
a home and fence completely made of the typical Building material Corrugated Iron sheets. Welcome to australia "1896 R.J Stewart Dairy"

12 Baker St

08 Jan 2016 24 28 524
This home always fascinated me the owners never tried to hide the past life of the building.

Secret Garden

12 Jun 2019 15 28 507
The fence to protect my Bonsai's from the strong sea breezes. The PIP for those that asked.


29 Nov 2014 9 8 464
Part of the very old Fremantle buildings

Home Sweet Home

17 Aug 2019 12 26 256
one of the very old home is Nannup

Dont Look down

17 Aug 2019 31 34 374
the very top of the tower the stairs leading down, Don't fall down...

Which Fence are you following.

14 Sep 2019 16 34 268
DON'T GET LOST, No they don't all lead to the same place................... PIP view from the top.

Elizabeth Quay

13 Jan 2020 9 4 224
This use to be a lovely green space now it a bustling space. I was only this high up as I was asked to photograph a Wedding.

Still working Elizabeth Quay

13 Jan 2020 9 211
This use to be a lovely green space now it a bustling space. I was only this high up as I was asked to photograph a Wedding.

Pick the Right bridge.

17 Aug 2019 26 41 318
Just goes to prove fences are not always the safe way to go...

68 items in total