"I'm having a really awful day!"


05 Jan 2014

4 favorites

33 visits

Survival technique.

16 Jan 2024

5 favorites


48 visits

January cranes in Michigan.

Half an hour ago I heard a flock of cranes overhead and was able to get several photos of these birds. This is in Michigan with severe winter weather. Where are these birds coming from and where are they headed. Most of the continent is under severe winter storm effects right now on January 16., 2024.

21 Dec 2012

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41 visits

Red-bellied Woodpecker

18 Jan 2024

3 favorites

36 visits

Unusual winter guest.

Possibly a Field Sparrow.

21 Jan 2024

6 favorites

41 visits

Ice fishing time in Michigan

24 Jan 2024

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49 visits

A foggy day at the park.

28 Jan 2024

5 favorites

36 visits

Sunday stroll at the park.

Sunday walk in the soggy park. After several days and nights of heavy rain, the snow is melting, but the ground is frozen, leaving the surface a soggy, sloppy experience to stomp through. But breathing fresh air has its merits!

03 Feb 2024

3 favorites

43 visits

Winter oak.

06 Feb 2024

5 favorites


42 visits

Red oak.

Red Oak trees keep their foliage all winter long. This is what they looked like yesterday, February 6th.
180 items in total