cp_u's photos

HWW with a Wall of Glass!

01 Aug 2018 31 26 218
... with a song for Poly

Silence ... - HFF!

Toilet - a Medieval Luxury

Guter Rat zur blauen Stunde - HFF!

14 Oct 2021 47 37 221
Neues Rathaus Chemnitz


Family Bench ...

Have a save flight through 2022!

Seasons Greetings

24 Dec 2019 34 32 234
Dear Ipernity friends, thank you so much for all the inspiration that you gave me through your pictures, your comments, your emotions in this truly difficult pandemic year. Have a great Christmas- and Holiday-time with your families and friends! Let's hope for a better year and let's contribute our tiny little bit by vaccinating and wearings masks ... I will now pause my activities here for the next 10 days to dedicate my time to my family. See you then next year!

Wood Shingle Wall - HWW!

14 Aug 2021 32 20 156
Enjoy the middle of the week!

Das Sympatisantenhaus - HFF

29 May 2021 38 32 209
View to the house of Aventinus , the father of Bavarian historiography and sympathizer of Luther and the Reformation

Step by step ...

19 Jun 2021 21 16 161
For all of you who've got a hard time these days ... ... our hearts and thoughts are with you!

Signature Wall - HWW (and PiP)


14 Oct 2021 35 35 331
And who can say when the day sleeps ... HBM PiP

Fencescape - HFF! (PiPs)

29 May 2021 37 30 236
Burghausen: View from the Georgstor with the Bavarian and Polish coats of arms to the gun turret on the Eggenberg hill. "On the north side of the [first] courtyard is the mighty Georg’s Gate, named after Duke Georg the Rich of Bavaria-Landshut who ordered its construction. The Bavarian and Polish coats of arms on the gate (left and right respectively) refer to the patron of the building work, Duke Georg the Rich, and his consort Hedwig, a daughter of the Polish king. The marriage of the couple in 1475 made history as the “Landshut Wedding”, which is still celebrated today." ( Burg Burghausen Website ) "The main castle’s outer fortifications, which incorporate the Eggenberg, were extended to their present dimensions as part of the overall reinforcement of the castle’s defences undertaken by Duke Georg der Reiche (Georg the Rich). From the lower ward of the main castle, the defensive walls run down both sides of the steep hill, to the former toll tower on the town side and the lake, the Wöhrsee, on the west side." ( Burg Burghausen Website )

Walls of Power - HWW!

10 Sep 2021 30 23 319
"The Scaligero Castle (13th century) is a rare example of medieval port fortification, which was used by the Scaliger fleet. The building of this complex started in 1277 by Mastino della Scala. It presents the typical Ghibelline swallowtail merlons and the curtain-walls (with three corner towers) in pebbles alternating with two horizontal bands of brick courses. The walls on the inside were finished with plaster with graffiti, simulating blocks of stone. The castle stands at a strategic place at the entrance to the peninsula. It is surrounded by a moat and it can only be entered by two drawbridges. The castle was established mainly as a protection against enemies, but also against the locals. The main room houses a small museum with local finds from the Roman era and a few medieval artifacts." Wikipedia Directly in the foreground you can see bubbles of the thermal springs. "Das Wasser von Sirmione ist reich an Schwefel, Brom und Iod und ist hyperthermisch. Es entspringt im Becken des Monte Baldo in Venetien auf 2200 m Höhe, von wo das Wasser die Quellen von Boiola, Virgilio und Catullo mit einer Temperatur von 69 °C erreicht. Bereits die Römer kannten und nutzten die heilende Wirkung des warmen Wassers, das auf dem Grund des Gardasees entspringt. Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts entdeckte ein Junge die römischen Bleirohre, die in 18 m Tiefe verlaufen und das Thermalbad in den Grotten des Catull mit warmem Wasser versorgten. Im Jahre 1889 gelang es schließlich einem venezianischen Taucher, Rohre in einer Felsspalte zu verlegen, die das warme Wasser zum Festland bringen. Das Therapiezentrum „Thermalbäder des Catull“ (Terme di Catullo) konnte errichtet werden. Das Thermalwasser wird zur Linderung bestimmter Formen der Schwerhörigkeit, aber auch zur Therapie von Hautkrankheiten, Rheumatismus und Erkrankungen der Atemwege eingesetzt." Wikipedia

rain is coming soon ... (HBM) (PiP)

Vigili senza fuoco - HFF

641 photos in total